Westminster Attack: Dermot O'Leary Dedicates 'The Nightly Show' To London

'We’ll go on living, working, playing, moaning and queuing together.'

Dermot O’Leary dedicated Thursday’s (23 March) episode of ‘The Nightly Show’ to London, following the Westminster terror attack.

The presenter paid tribute to the city following the events on Wednesday, which saw five people - including the attacker - killed.

Dermot O'Leary dedicated 'The Nightly Show' to London
Dermot O'Leary dedicated 'The Nightly Show' to London

“Before we start the show, the terror attacks yesterday happened just a mile away from here, where we film ‘The Nightly Show’,” Dermot told viewers.

“Tonight we’re dedicating our show to London, to the people who live here, visit here and work hard to keep us safe here.”

This episode of The Nightly Show is dedicated to London pic.twitter.com/ud4uE25YrD

— The Nightly Show (@ITVNightlyShow) March 23, 2017

He continued: “People say London isn’t Britain, but to be honest I think it is. Being a Londoner has nothing to do with whether you’re born here, nothing to do with the colour of your skin or the faith you follow.

“It’s about acceptance, tolerance, stoicism and respect. It’s about millions of people being able to live side-by-side, day-by-day in an exciting, vibrant, infuriating, beautiful city.

“And, as awful as yesterday was, we know that we’ll endure. My - and it is just my humble opinion - is it will make us stronger. We’ll go on living, working, playing, moaning and queuing together.

“So from all of us here at ‘The Nightly Show’ tonight: Here’s to London, and here’s to home.”

The attack took place near the Houses of Parliament in Westminster, with police later confirming they were treating it as a terrorist incident.

The attacker killed PC Keith Palmer, Spanish teacher Aysha Frade, American tourist Kurt Cochran and last night another victim, named as 75-year-old Leslie Rhodes, died in hospital. 40 people were also injured, some “catastrophically”.

James Corden also paid a heartfelt tribute to London on his US chat show, following the attack.

‘The Nightly Show’ airs weeknights at 10pm on ITV.


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