Bed. The word alone is enough to elicit feelings of pure joy and relaxation.
That's exactly the mood Diane von Furstenberg captures in her 1991 book Beds, which features 150 pages of pure bedroom bliss photographed mainly by photographer Stewart O'Shields.
"The bed’s invitation is irresistible: one can never escape the need to sleep for long," von Furstenberg writes. "Sooner or later, the deep pull of this natural cycle wins out and we succumb. It is as natural as the sun and the moon, the cycle of the seasons, life and death.”
Irresistible for sure. Check out these stunning bed photos from the series, along with more of von Furstenberg's own commentary.
Diane von Furstenberg joined the #SleepRevolution as an influencer. These nine photos from "Beds" were first featured on Arianna Huffington's Instagram account with the hashtag #DVFBeds as part of the #SleepRevolution.