A Dalek operator has been fired from his regular column in the official ‘Doctor Who’ magazine, after branding BBC Worldwide “c**ts” in his most recent piece.
Nicholas Pegg, who has been responsible for operating the Daleks ever since ‘Doctor Who’ was rebooted in 2005, previously held a column in the sci-fi smash’s companion magazine under the moniker ‘The Watcher’.
However, he’s now been dismissed, after sneaking an explicit message into the most recent edition of the mag, hitting out at distributors BBC Worldwide and the magazine’s printers, Panini.

One reader on Twitter noticed that the first letter of each sentence spelled out “Panini and BBC Worldwide are c**ts”, sharing the results on his Twitter page.
What’s more, the writer even appeared to be inviting readers to look for the message by teasing: “If you look hard enough, there’s always something hidden in plain sight.”
When approached by The Mirror, a spokesperson for BBC Worldwide said: “The matter was raised with the publisher who have dismissed the writer.”
According to the newspaper, the writer had not been due to appear in the upcoming series of ‘Doctor Who’, which will be Jodie Whittaker’s first in the lead role, following the departure of Peter Capaldi, who announced he was stepping down earlier this year.
This marks the first time the character has been portrayed by a woman, with Jodie saying she hopes a female lead will bring a new legion of fans to the show.
She’ll make her debut in this year’s Christmas special, with a full series to follow in 2018.