We’ve written before at HuffPost UK about what it means when your dog starts stealing your shoes, and have shared that yep ― they really do know when we’re sick.
But it’d be a very different (and disappointing) world if those were the only confusing signs our furry friends exhibited.
For instance, why did my previous pooch bark only at butterflies, and no other insect?
And why oh why can’t they stop humping us fearful, unviable humans?
The first question likely has no reasonable answer. But to help us get to the bottom (hehe) of the second, Annie-Mae Levy, professional dog trainer and behaviourist at Woofz by nove8, has come to the rescue.
So... why do dogs hump us?
According to Annie, the rather forward habit is actually often a sign of shyness.
“Humping isn’t about being the ‘alpha,’” she explained. “Most of the time, dogs do it because they’re overstimulated or anxious.”
She explained that it’s likelier to happen when your pet is in a new or confusing environment or when guests arrive.
“It’s like a nervous habit: some people bite their nails, some pace, and some dogs hump,” the pro shared (what a way to find out I’d definitely be a humper if I was born canine).
Sometimes, though, the issue can be vet-worthy, especially if your dog is doing it a lot and/or it’s a new behaviour for them.
“Dogs with urinary tract infections, skin allergies, or even compulsive disorders might hump as a way to relieve discomfort,” Annie told us.
“If your dog humps obsessively, licks themselves excessively or seems uncomfortable, take them to the vet; it might be worth a check.”
If a behavioural approach doesn’t fix the issue, she explains, the issue may well be physical.
How can I stop my dog from humping people?
But Annie says that actually, attention simply encourages the behaviour.
“Dogs don’t care if your reaction is laughter, embarrassment, or frustration: if you make a big deal out of it, they’ll keep doing it,” she shared, adding: “The more active your response, the more rewarding the behaviour becomes for them.”
Yelling, pushing them away, and getting worked up by the action won’t help; instead, act neutral, or take attention away from your dog by leaving the room, she says.
“It means no shouting or making eye contact. It’s a simple formula: the less attention they get for humping, the less reason they have to do it.”
Meanwhile, dogs can sometimes use the activity as a way to release pent-up energy.
If that’s your dog, Annie says: “My advice is to give them a cooling-off period with a sniffing walk or a lick mat to refocus their brain because otherwise, they’ll keep spiralling into humping as a way to manage emotions.”
“Finally, end interactions the second you see your dog getting overstimulated or starting to hump,” she added.