Puppy Dog Eyes Are A Real Thing, Say Scientists – As These 21 Adorable Pooches Show

Dogs have evolved to appear more "infant-like" when they are sad.

Dogs didn’t always give us those infamous puppy dog eyes, but they do now – all thanks to evolution.

New research comparing the anatomy and behaviour of dogs and wolves suggests dogs’ facial anatomy has changed over thousands of years – specifically to allow them to better communicate with humans.

This includes the development of a small muscle around the eyes, which allows them to raise their inner eyebrow more intensely, giving them that undeniably cute, I’m-sorry-please-love-me-and-feed-me-treats look.

The study’s authors suggest this triggers a nurturing response in humans, because it makes dogs’ eyes appear larger and more “infant-like” when they are sad.

“The evidence is compelling that dogs developed a muscle to raise the inner eyebrow after they were domesticated from wolves,” said psychologist Dr Juliane Kaminski, from the University of Portsmouth. “We also studied dogs’ and wolves’ behaviour, and when exposed to a human for two minutes, dogs raised their inner eyebrows more and at higher intensities than wolves.”

It’s something most dog owners have felt powerless in the face of at some point – so in homage to our four-legged friends, here are 21 pics of puppy dog eyes in action. You’re most welcome.


Christina Reichl Photography via Getty Images


My little manipulator #puppydogeyes pic.twitter.com/rb08Nxu3bN

— Dr Gill Mountford (@GLMountford) June 18, 2019


She’s a beauty you can’t say no too. #puppydogeyes pic.twitter.com/kR6p8P7H7y

— fizzyfish🐠 (@fizzyfish77) June 18, 2019


Jennifer Renner via Getty Images


Was given those #puppydogeyes during bath time last night. Poor wet poochy 🐶 pic.twitter.com/eNCFxaE8MG

— Living Dadventurously (@JMiller_Author) June 18, 2019


The #puppydogeyes I have to resist when making my breakfast. pic.twitter.com/v9POepLe9Y

— Nina Seale (@hirundonova) June 18, 2019


Paul Park via Getty Images


Alexandr Zhenzhirov via Getty Images


Busybee-CR via Getty Images


Nope, I can’t believe that #puppydogeyes are a thing...look at this guy, not cute at all... pic.twitter.com/dsQSp7DT3t

— Amy Hill (@littlepietweets) June 18, 2019


#puppydogeyes or ‘can I have some of your food plz’ eyes pic.twitter.com/DnOGvkQG8F

— tanya☁️ (@taanbx) June 18, 2019


johan63 via Getty Images


#puppydogeyes He doesn't hear too many "No's" from me!! pic.twitter.com/FATtvlVZBD

— Zoe Price (@zoeprce) June 18, 2019


Seeing as we’re all talking #puppydogeyes, here’s my two:
Exhibit 1: “pls let me bring this gross feather I found to bed?”
Exhibit 2: “pls stop taking endless photos of me” pic.twitter.com/DIw04mZd1C

— Laura Jane Vickers-Green (@LaRainbow) June 18, 2019


Who could resist taking this wind-blown beauty on a wander into the #Cairngorms with those #puppydogeyes? Bynack More #Goldenretrievers pic.twitter.com/MDfSLjKXbS

— Merryn Glover (@MerrynGlover) June 18, 2019


5m3photos via Getty Images


golfbress via Getty Images


My two little legends. #puppydogeyes pic.twitter.com/GmPQo2zqMY

— James Kemish (@ENGkemishLFC) June 18, 2019


#puppydogeyes? I have no idea what you're talking about! 🐶 #OfficeDog pic.twitter.com/xOo6XLOgQq

— Valentino (@VHeadOfDogital) June 18, 2019


Jess has the most expressive face, ears and eyes - like Gromit!#puppydogeyes pic.twitter.com/73sadYfbYm

— Ginny (@Gini_L) June 18, 2019


Catherine Falls Commercial via Getty Images