Trump Has Another Weird Umbrella Moment And The Laughs Rain Down On Twitter

Some folks are looking for hidden meaning in Trump's latest umbrella battle.

Donald Trump had another awkward encounter with an umbrella over the weekend.

The president was carrying his own umbrella as he boarded Air Force One at Andrews Air Force Base on his way to a campaign rally in Indianapolis on Saturday. When Trump reached the doorway, he dumped the open umbrella at the threshold.

News cameras captured the abandoned umbrella rattling around at the top of the stairs, where it was eventually picked up by a Secret Service agent.

Trump has been accused of being an umbrella hog on more than one occasion, specifically for holding one over his own head but not covering first lady Melania Trump. He’s also faced the more familiar struggle of trying to hold an umbrella in the wind.

Trump’s latest encounter with an umbrella caused a storm of jokes on Twitter:

Umbrella are hard, the Donald J Trump story.

— Molly Jong☠️Fast (@MollyJongFast) October 28, 2018

The guy who has access to the nuclear codes cannot close an umbrella

— Pchad (@chadwickgator) October 27, 2018

Wuz up smarty pants, don't know how to close an umbrella. LMAO! @realDonaldTrump

— Elas (@elas0044) October 29, 2018

Tip: if you're gonna to join a cult try to find one where the leader knows how to close an umbrella

Trump today.

When you can't figure it out, just drop it

— ☇RiotWomenn☇ (@riotwomennn) October 27, 2018

Trump's umbrella deserves its own Twitter account.

— J.R. McGrail 📎 (@JRMcGrail) October 27, 2018

The steps are the campaign, the plane is the presidency, the umbrella is the working-class voting base, briefcase guy is GOP congress delivering that massive tax cut to their donors, and Trump is Trump.

— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) October 28, 2018

Trump treats his umbrella like the rest of his job.
If it requires more than 2 seconds’ thought, drop it.

— techweenie 🌊 (@techweenie) October 27, 2018

Used it until he didn’t need it anymore so he tossed it. #WakeUpAmerica

— Yasmine Mary (@yazzy1967) October 27, 2018

Turn off the sound on this @FoxNews BS propaganda, but watch Trump simply toss away an umbrella at the door of Air Force One instead of bothering to close it. It's really all you need to know about him in a single image.

— Steve Silberman (@stevesilberman) October 27, 2018

Trump is Trump
The plane is money
The umbrella is our well being

— amber ruffin (@ambermruffin) October 27, 2018

Metaphor alert. Trump cannot close his umbrella as he boards his plane. Just leaves it there. An upturned, abandoned umbrella, rolling about in the wind.

— SimonNRicketts (@SimonNRicketts) October 27, 2018

Siri, show me the perfect representation of Trump’s ability to handle responsibility

— Mitten d'Amour (@MittenDAmour) October 27, 2018


— Scott Derrickson (@scottderrickson) October 27, 2018

This is a metaphor for what Trump will do to America. He's reckless and incompetent. He can't even close and protect the umbrella. He'll abandon it, leave someone else to clean it up and escape in his jet with his rich friends.

— Wajahat Ali (@WajahatAli) October 27, 2018

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