Donald Trump And Son Eric Apparently Look To Check Wives' Polls As They Vote

Trump And His Son Both Seemed To Check Their Wives Weren't Voting The Wrong Way

Donald Trump and his son Eric Trump have been photographed apparently trying to sneak a peek of how their wives were voting the right way.

Trump and Melania went to cast their ballots at a Manhattan school, their local polling station, on Tuesday morning.

CNN filmed the moment the Republican candidate appeared to look over to see how his wife was doing in her booth.

When you trust your wife to vote for you, but not really.

— Master of None (@Gabbienain) November 8, 2016

Meanwhile, elsewhere in New York, Eric Trumpdid the same same thing as he stood alongside his wife Lara Yunaska as they voted at the 53rd Street Library.

Eric Trump looks towards his wife Lara Yunaska's ballot paper as she votes
Eric Trump looks towards his wife Lara Yunaska's ballot paper as she votes
Bloomberg via Getty Images

Twitter relished the photos, with one Tweeter calling Eric Trump “an insecure manchild”

TFW you're an insecure manchild just like your father.

— Mark Byrne (@markwby) November 8, 2016

It’s important to note we don’t know for sure why father and son felt the need to look over as their wives voted.

But Twitter pretty fell about laughing.

This picture is everything.

— Amanda Marcotte (@AmandaMarcotte) November 8, 2016

With speculation Trump was trying to copy Melania’s answer...

when you didn't open your textbook once the entire semester but you know this test is the only thing that counts toward your final grade

— BuzzFeed (@BuzzFeed) November 8, 2016

Or that Melania was copying someone else... Again...

When you’re worried that your wife copied off of Michelle again.

— Chelsea Handler (@chelseahandler) November 8, 2016

Or he was shocked she had voted for an independent candidate instead...

"Damn. She really is voting for McMullin."

— Nicholas Thompson (@nxthompson) November 8, 2016

Or speculating that someone may call the police on Trump.

Hello 911 I’d like to report an illegal poll watcher

— Jason O. Gilbert (@gilbertjasono) November 8, 2016

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