Donald Trump Approval Ratings Tweet Backfires

He broke a record today.

On Monday morning CNN reported that Donald Trump’s approval rating was at an all-time low of 37%, with an overall rating of -21.

President Trump's job approval rating: 37%

Americans who disapprove of his performance: 58%

Latest Gallup numbers:

— CNN (@CNN) March 20, 2017

The President clearly did not approve and fired out a tweet once again calling the network “fake news” and implored Americans to listen to Fox News instead.

Just heard Fake News CNN is doing polls again despite the fact that their election polls were a WAY OFF disaster. Much higher ratings at Fox

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 20, 2017

Unfortunately for Trump, things over at Fox are only marginally more rosy.

In a poll last week the network reported his approval rating had slipped by five percent to 43%.

Meanwhile, 51% disapprove giving him an overall rating of -8.

Protestors are seen as the motorcade of US President Donald Trump passes by en route to Palm Beach International Airport in West Palm Beach, Florida on Sunday
Protestors are seen as the motorcade of US President Donald Trump passes by en route to Palm Beach International Airport in West Palm Beach, Florida on Sunday
MANDEL NGAN via Getty Images

Dig a little deeper into Fox News’ polls and things get even worse.

Far more people are demanding an investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the election campaign than Trump’s claims that President Obama “wiretapped” Trump Tower.

Voters want Congressional investigations into Russia, feel confident in CIA @FoxNews #Poll details:

— Fox News Poll (@foxnewspoll) March 16, 2017

And they hate his tweeting...

How voters feel about Pres. Trump tweeting in latest @FoxNews #Poll -- more here:

— Fox News Poll (@foxnewspoll) March 16, 2017

Unsurprisingly the response to Trump’s tweet was less than forgiving.

@realDonaldTrump But you do love a good poll stat when it's from your favourite network...

— Mike P Williams (@Mike_P_Williams) March 20, 2017

@realDonaldTrump Gallup is doing polls too. Congrats on your new all-time low "approval" rating, 37%!

— Jordan Uhl (@JordanUhl) March 20, 2017

.@realDonaldTrump when you liked CNN polls...sad!

— MALDITA HEMEROTECA (@Mhemeroteca) March 20, 2017

In a further blow to Trump, a recent poll of young Americans by GenForward found a majority don’t even see him as a legitimate leader.

A slim majority of young whites in the poll, 53 percent, consider Trump a legitimate president, but even among that group 55 percent disapprove of the job he’s doing, according to the survey.

“That’s who we voted for. And obviously America wanted him more than Hillary Clinton,” said Rebecca Gallardo, a 30-year-old nursing student from Kansas City, Missouri, who voted for Trump.

Trump’s legitimacy as president was questioned earlier this year by Republican John Lewis: “I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected. And they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton.”

Trump routinely denies that and says he captured the presidency by winning states such as Michigan and Wisconsin that Clinton may have taken for granted, reports the Associated Press.

Overall, just 22 percent of young adults approve of the job he is doing as president, while 62 percent disapprove.


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