Trump's Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski Charged With Battery After 'Grabbing Journalist'

It's been coming...
Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump stands between his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski (L) and his son Eric (R).
Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump stands between his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski (L) and his son Eric (R).
Joe Skipper / Reuters

Donald Trump’s thuggish presidential campaign ran headlong into the law on Tuesday after the businessman’s campaign manager was charged with battery in Florida.

The arrest follows an incident in the Sunshine State in which Corey Lewandowski allegedly grabbed a female reporter at a campaign event in Jupiter last month.

Lewandowski and his string puller Trump have repeatedly denied that former Brietbart journalist Michelle Fields was grabbed, despite the victim releasing pictures of her arms strewn with finger-shaped bruises.

However, recently released video (below) showing Lewandowski roughly grabbing the reporter was enough for Lewandowski to report to a police station on Tuesday morning.

Fields resigned from US blog site Breitbart shortly after the incident, complaining that the outlet, which heavily shills for Trump, had not adequately stood by her.

Trump’s campaign posted the following statement in regards to the charge.

Trump's campaign has been littered with incidents of violence, while the Republican frontrunner has been accused of inciting violence at his rallies.

He remains the favourite to take the nomination at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July.


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