Trump Keeps Retweeting An Obviously Fake Joe Biden Clip

The tweet featured a doctored clip of the Democratic candidate playing NWA's F*** tha Police on his phone.

It will come as no surprise to learn that Donald Trump’s Twitter has been a bit of a mess, but even by the standards of the president, one part of it was particularly bizarre.

Two tweets from the most powerful man in the world were retweets of a clearly faked video of his Democratic rival Joe Biden playing the ’80s classic ‘Fuck tha Police’ by NWA.

Trump began his journey of misunderstanding with a gentle query of “what is this all about?”

What is this all about?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 16, 2020

The answer to this question was fairly obvious, especially as Twitter had plastered a large ”Manipulated media” banner across the original tweet.


Perennially undeterred by facts, reasons and logic, Trump continued in his quest to promote the fake video, this time by making some rather dubious assumptions about China.

China is drooling. They can’t believe this!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 16, 2020

It’s not clear if Trump thinks China is particularly susceptible to fake videos or if they just love rap music.

Of course what the president is actually trying to do is stoke divisions ahead of the upcoming presidential election by fanning false claims that Biden wants to abolish police forces across the US.

Trump has to engage in such bizarre antics as he is trailing badly in the polls. Even the magazine Scientific American has broken with 175 years of history by endorsing a presidential candidate, coming down heavily on the side of Democratic challenger Joe Biden.

This is about you deliberately putting out an edited video of @JoeBiden because you are losing to him badly.

— Rick Tyler-Still Right (@rickwtyler) September 16, 2020

Oh and if you’re wondering, it was actually Despacito, obviously.

After being introduced by Luis Fonsi, Joe Biden pulled out his phone and started playing Despacito ahead of his remarks kicking off Hispanic Heritage Month in Kissimmee, FL.

— Sarah Mucha (@sarahmucha) September 16, 2020

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