Donald Trump Jr's 'Deplorable' Old Tweet Comes Back To Haunt Him

The president might be banned from Twitter, but his family still has a tweet for everything.

With President Donald Trump now banned from Twitter, his son is stepping up in the “tweet for everything” department.

Donald Trump Jr’s 2016 message about impeachment is getting a new round of attention in light of Wednesday’s events, in which his father was impeached for a second time:

Dear Clintons,

You know what's deplorable?

Being Impeached!!!#BasketOfDeplorables

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 10, 2016

Trump Jr’s tweet was a response to then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who at the time said half of Trump’s supporters were in a “basket of deplorables,” or racist, sexist, xenophobic and/or homophobic people. But with the president now impeached twice in a little more than a year, Trump Jr’s observation about what impeachment means gained attention all over again:

How about twice? @DonaldJTrumpJr

— Brian J. Karem (@BrianKarem) January 14, 2021

Hey girl 👋🏾

— Lesley-Ann Brandt (@LesleyAnnBrandt) January 13, 2021

A. Tweet. For. Everything.

— Luke Barnett (@LukeBarnett) January 13, 2021

when your shit talking comes back to town for a visit, or in this case.. an extended stay.

— Aubrey O'Day (@AubreyODay) January 14, 2021

What's good @DonaldJTrumpJr?

— Franklin Leonard (@franklinleonard) January 13, 2021

This evening’s contender for top prize in the “tweets that’s didn’t age well” category:

— Kathleen Smith (@KikkiPlanet) January 14, 2021

Don Jr. ladies and gentlemen...

What’s worse Donny is impeached TWICE!

— Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) January 14, 2021

This tweet aged so poorly it was reborn to age poorly again.

— Pete Woods, Space Guardian (@thatpetewoods) January 13, 2021

'There is always a tweet', Junior Edition:

— Mehdi Hasan (@mehdirhasan) January 13, 2021

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