Donald Trump Supporter Kayleigh McEnany Makes Basic Error Attacking Barack Obama Over Golf

And offends a lot of people.

A prominent Donald Trump supporter has been mocked for making a basic error while trying to defend the president against criticism for constantly playing golf instead of working.

Kayleigh McEnany, a writer and commentator who endorsed Trump early in the presidential race, went on CNN on Monday to discuss how he has played golf 13 times since becoming president two months ago.

Defending the president, she said: “You have President Obama who, after the - I believe it was after the beheading of Daniel Pearl - spoke about how upset he was and then rushed off to a golf game.

“I think, when we’re in a state of war, when we’re in a state of mourning, you should take time off from the golf course.”

Pearl was a Wall Street Journal reporter who was beheaded in Pakistan in 2002 - when George W Bush was president. Obama was a relatively unknown Illinois state senator at the time.

WATCH: Kayleigh McEnany: Obama rushed off to golf after Daniel Pearl was beheaded.

Pearl was killed in 2002. Obama was a state senator.

— Yashar (@yashar) March 28, 2017

Twitter followed up by jokingly accusing Obama of inappropriately playing golf after most events in American history and television drama.

I mean, we all remember when Obama went straight to the golf course after JFK was shot. So unpresidential!

— Hadley Freeman (@HadleyFreeman) March 28, 2017

.@yashar Obama also went golfing right after Lincoln was shot.

— Michael G. (@MichaelGarofola) March 28, 2017

.@yashar Obama was golfing when JR got shot

— Sarah Cooper (@sarahcpr) March 28, 2017

Obama cut down the cherry tree to whittle the spear that pierced Jesus.

— Jeffrey Wright (@jfreewright) March 28, 2017

Others were appalled at citing the brutal death of Pearl to defend Trump.

Not just embarrassingly dim-witted, but also dishonors Danny Pearl's memory by exploiting it for a stupid political cheap shot

— Mark Follman (@markfollman) March 28, 2017

Important to note: Daniel Pearl was beheaded by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, mastermind of 9/11. If you know anything, you don't make this error.

— Yashar (@yashar) March 28, 2017

McEnany was likely referring to James Foley, the US journalist abducted and then beheaded by the so-called Islamic State in 2014.

Obama was on holiday at the time and went to play golf shortly after he made a statement condemning Foley’s murder.

He later said this was a mistake and that he “should’ve anticipated the optics”.

Trump’s supporters have often cited the fact Obama played golf to defend the current president against claims he spends too much on the course.

But Trump is playing golf at a far greater rate.

Trump was photographed in golfing gear in Virginia this weekend but conservative network Fox News tweeted he was “working in the White House”.

News Alert: @POTUS spending weekend working at the White House.

— Fox News (@FoxNews) March 26, 2017

The press had been told Trump attended “meetings” at his Virginia golf club. He was photographed inside watching golf on TV.

He was at his golf course earlier today. @FoxNews

— Erick Fernandez (@ErickFernandez) March 26, 2017

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