Larry The Downing Street Cat Goes All Passive-Aggressive On Donald Trump

The "chief mouser" sat underneath the president's limo and reportedly refused to move during his state visit to the U.K.

Cats famously DGAF about much.

And Larry, who is “chief mouser” to the British prime minister, lived up to that stereotype during Donald Trump’s state visit to the United Kingdom on Tuesday.

Images going viral show the 12-year-old feline, who lives at the PM’s official residence, sheltering from the rain and refusing to move from under Trump’s presidential limousine ― dubbed “The Beast.”

Security incident in Downing Street after Larry the Cat tries to get inside The Beast.

He is currently sat underneath the car meaning it can’t move.

— Charlie Proctor (@MonarchyUK) June 4, 2019

NBC’s Bill Neely lightheartedly described the incident, which occurred soon after Trump’s arrival for talks with outgoing Prime Minister Theresa May, as “a huge security issue.”

Huge security issue as Larry the Downing St. cat shelters under Donald Trump’s limo ‘’the Beast’ & refuses to move. #TrumpinUK

— Bill Neely (@BillNeelyNBC) June 4, 2019

And Jon Sopel, the BBC’s North America editor, noted how anti-Trump protesters had failed to delay Trump’s motorcade ― but Larry possibly had.

BREAKING: anti-Trump demonstrators fail to stop @realDonaldTrump motorcade, but @Number10cat does. Lodges himself under wheel of #TheBeast #StateVisit

— Jon Sopel (@BBCJonSopel) June 4, 2019

It’s not clear if Trump was actually inside the vehicle at the time, nor exactly how long the limo was momentarily delayed by Larry’s apparent act of passive-aggressiveness.

But the animal’s antics soon trended on Twitter, where the account @Number10cat, which honors the feline, chimed in:

Nice picture of the Beast. And the President’s car... #TrumpUKVisit
(Photo @BillNeelyNBC)

— Larry the Cat (@Number10cat) June 4, 2019

The same feed has spent much of Trump’s three-day state visit to the U.K. trolling the U.S. president:

I made my choice... #TrumpUKVisit

— Larry the Cat (@Number10cat) June 4, 2019

If you think I’m getting off this windowsill you’ve got another thing coming... #TrumpUKVisit
(Photo: @davidbrunnstrom)

— Larry the Cat (@Number10cat) June 4, 2019

God save the Queen...#TrumpUKVisit

— Larry the Cat (@Number10cat) June 3, 2019

If President Trump tries to grab this pussy, then he’ll find out it’s got claws... #TrumpUKVisit

— Larry the Cat (@Number10cat) June 3, 2019

Larry, a brown and white tabby, was a stray when brought into Downing Street in 2011, during Prime Minister David Cameron’s time in office, to deter rats. He is listed on the U.K. government’s website as “Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office.”

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