Veterans Are Pissed At Trump For Not Knowing How To Spell Marine Corps

The president called it the Marine "Core."

On the same day President Donald Trump proposed that the United States develop a “Space Force” to fight wars in space, he also paid tribute to the men and women in uniform here on Earth.

Except his since-deleted tweet on Tuesday didn’t refer to the Marine Corps, but the Marine “Core,” a mistake many said the commander-in-chief should never make. Veterans, in particular, took offense:

“Marine Core.” Really, @POTUS? Maybe General Kelly can get a copy of the Grammar for Marines MCI for you.

— VoteVets (@votevets) March 14, 2018

I served for more than 20 years in the Marine Corps. I know that he doesn't read, but the fact that our Commander-in-Chief doesn't know the difference between a Corps and a "Core" is more than a spelling error. Wrap yourself in the flag all you like - actual veterans have had it.

— Matt Morgan (@MorganForMI) March 14, 2018

Who wants to tell the boss that it’s Corps not Core?

— Phillip Carter (@Carter_PE) March 13, 2018

The fact that Trump doesn't even know that it's the MARINE CORPS and not the MARINE CORE show exactly why he shouldn't be the Commander in Chief.

— Jacob Gil (@jacob4kids) March 14, 2018

It’s Marine CORPS, not Marine Core. And you’re a disgrace. #VetsAgainstTrump

— Common Defense #VetsAgainstTrump (@commondefense) March 14, 2018

If it truly was your honor you would know it’s Marine CORPS, not CORE. And throwing a military parade costing millions of dollars for yourself on a day for veterans when that money could be used for homeless veterans and vet mental health is dishonorable. #MARINESagainstTrump

— Sergeant ✊ (@OIFvetUSMC02) March 14, 2018

Someone had to explain to Cadet Bone Spurs the difference between the Marine Corps & the "Marine Core".
Take it from a veteran, our military deserves better than a lying, malignant narcissist for a commander in chief.

— She persisted (@CaseyHinds) March 14, 2018

The Marine Core is known for their “esprit de core,” when greeting each other “Semper Fly!”#DumpTrump#Veterans#USMC#Navy#GoArmy!

— George Cook (@tuckercook) March 14, 2018

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