Donald Trump Marks Memorial Day With Unhinged, All-Caps Rant

The former president has a long history of making offensive and insulting comments about military members, despite never serving himself.

Donald Trump predictably made Memorial Day all about himself on Monday.

The former president began a post on his Truth Social platform innocuously enough when he wished a “happy Memorial Day to all.”

But it then devolved into a ranting screed as he continued:

“But especially to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for the country they love, and to those in line of a very different, but equally dangerous fire, stopping the threats of the terrorists, misfits and lunatic thugs who are working feverishly from within to overturn and destroy our once great country, which has never been in greater peril than it is right now. We must stop the communists, Marxists and fascist ‘pigs’ at every turn and, Make America Great Again!”

See the whole, all-caps post here:

Trump was similarly self-indulgent on 2018’s Memorial Day when he suggested fallen soldiers “would be very happy” about the state of the economy under his administration.

Happy Memorial Day! Those who died for our great country would be very happy and proud at how well our country is doing today. Best economy in decades, lowest unemployment numbers for Blacks and Hispanics EVER (& women in 18years), rebuilding our Military and so much more. Nice!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 28, 2018

Veterans group VoteVets at the time described it as the “most inappropriate” Memorial Day comment ever from an American president.

“Self-promotion on a day to remember the fallen, and wishing those remembering their deceased loved ones a ‘happy’ holiday is appalling,” it added.

This is the most inappropriate #MemorialDay comment that a @POTUS has ever made. Self-promotion on a day to remember the fallen, and wishing those remembering their deceased loved ones a “happy” holiday is appalling. #CadetBoneSpurs

— VoteVets (@votevets) May 28, 2018

Also in 2018, Trump reportedly described US troops killed in action as “losers” and “suckers” during a trip to France.

The former president has often criticised veterans. He also called late Senator John McCain (Republican, Arizona), who was captured and tortured during the Vietnam War, a “fucking loser.”

“He’s not a war hero. I like people who weren’t captured,” Trump said of McCain in 2015.

Trump, though, never served in the military. He received five deferments to avoid action in Vietnam, prompting Iraq War veteran Senator Tammy Duckworth (Democrat, Illinois) to call him “Cadet Bone Spurs” because one of the deferments was for alleged bone spurs.

The daughters of the podiatrist who signed Trump off with the condition have since claimed it was done only to appease Trump’s father, Fred.

During a 1998 interview with radio host Howard Stern, Trump likened avoiding contracting STDs to battle in Vietnam.

In contrast to Trump’s angry post, President Joe Biden marked Memorial Day on Twitter, writing: “We’ll never be able to repay the debt we owe them.”

On Memorial Day, we honor America's fallen heroes who gave their last full measure of devotion to this nation.

We'll never be able to repay the debt we owe them.

But today, we rededicate ourselves to the work for which they gave their lives, and we recommit to supporting the…

— President Biden (@POTUS) May 29, 2023

Former President Barack Obama, meanwhile, honoured “brave Americans who have served our country and given their lives for our freedom.”

This Memorial Day, take a moment to honor the brave Americans who have served our country and given their lives for our freedom. May God bless our fallen heroes, their families, and all who serve.

— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) May 29, 2023

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