Donald Trump Tells Piers Morgan: I Get 'So Much Fan Mail' From The UK

'They love my sense of security'.

Donald Trump has suggested he is more popular in the UK than many think, telling ITV he gets “so much fan mail” from the country.

In an interview broadcast on the station on Sunday night, Piers Morgan asked the US President about the opposition to his visit to the UK, which has been postponed against fears of protest.

But the President suggested his approval rating in the UK is high.

Trump: “I think it’s good. I think I’m very popular in your country.”

Morgan: “Let’s not be too hasty, Mr President.”

Trump went on: “I know, but I believe that. I really do. I believe that.

“I get so much fan mail from people in your country. They love my sense of security. They love what I’m saying about many different things.

“I own the great Turnberry and other things in your country. Turnberry in Scotland. And I’m getting tremendous ... I mean, we get tremendous support from people in the UK.”

Morgan suggested, opposition politicians - including Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and Sadiq Khan, the London Mayor - have been critical of Trump.

“I don’t know the man,” responded Trump, seemingly about Corbyn.

He added: “Well, that’s their problem. I mean, if they don’t, I could very nicely stay home.”

In a wide-ranging interview, Trump appeared to offer an apology for his re-tweeting Britain First, suggested he tweets from his bed, and made clear he is not a feminist.

Biggest revelation so far - @realDonaldTrump tweets in bed #TrumpMorgan

— Cathy Newman (@cathynewman) January 28, 2018

He was also asked Trump if Theresa May was in a “good position” in Brexit talks.

The president replied: “Would it be the way I negotiate? No, I wouldn’t negotiate it the way it’s (being) negotiated... I would have had a different attitude.”

He went on: “I would have said that the European Union is not cracked up to what it’s supposed to be.

“I would have taken a tougher stand in getting out.”

Trump also suggested he predicted Brexit.

The president said: “I said (that) because of trade, but mostly immigration, Brexit is going to be a big upset. And I was right.”

He added: “I know the British people and understand them. They don’t want people coming from all over the world into Britain, they don’t know anything about these people.”


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