Trump's 'Spiritual Adviser' Holds Bizarre Prayer Service And Claims To Hear 'Sound Of Victory'

Paula White shook her fist and declared: "Angels have been dispatched from Africa right now. From South America. They’re coming here. Angelic reinforcement."

The US presidential election is on a knife-edge with Joe Biden currently leading Donald Trump with six states to go.

The incumbent president is bringing out the big guns and has launched a series of bizarre and contradictory legal challenges in an attempt to ensure he stays in the White House.

He also has another secret weapon – his spiritual adviser Paula White. Here they are pictured in 2019...

While the ballot counting continues in battleground states, White has been leading a marathon prayer service at the New Christian Destiny Centre near Orlando.

Presidential spiritual adviser Paula White is currently leading an impassioned prayer service in an effort to secure Trump's reelection.

— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) November 5, 2020

Here’s a transcript of the 105-second segment doing the rounds on social media and we promise you, these are not typos. At one point White appears to begin speaking in tongues, a common part of Christian worship in some denominations, though not typically used to summon angels to affect the outcome of an election.

”... and strike, and strike, and strike, and strike, and strike, and strike, and strike, and strike, and strike, and strike, and strike until you have victory.

“For every enemy that is aligned against you, let there be, that we would strike the ground. You will give us victory. I hear a sound of abundance of rain. I hear a sound of victory. I hear a sound of shouting and singing. I hear a sound of victory. I hear a sound of abundance of rain. I hear a sound of victory. I hear a sound of abundance of rain. I hear a sound of victory

“The Lord says it is done. The Lord says it is done. The Lord says it is done. For I hear victory, victory, victory, victory. In the corners of heaven. In the corners of heaven. Victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory.

“For angels are being released right now. Angels are being dispatched right now.

“Amunda, acka, atta, racka, dayda, packa, sanda, atta, amba, orsa, katta, reekay, panda, atta, reekay, deedy, asha, tar.

“For angels have even dissphur... dispatched from Africa right now, Africa right now, Africa right now. From Africa right now.

“They’re coming here. They’re coming here. In the name of Jesus. From South America, they’re coming here, they’re coming here, they’re coming here, they’re coming here, they’re coming here.

“From Africa. From South America. Angelic forces. Angelic reinforcement. Angelic reinforcement. Angelic reinforcement. Angelic reinforcement.

“Theeka, hacka, anda, atta. Rura, batta, atta, acha, acha, manda, rassa, taa. For I hear the sound of victory. I hear the sound of victory.

“I hear the sound of victory. I hear the sound of victory. I hear the sound of victory. I hear the sound of victory. I hear the sound of victory. I hear the sound of victory. I hear the sound of victory.”

And here’s a version with added beats and a cat.

You have to live Twitter - cats against fascism strike back ;)

— asad rehman (@chilledasad100) November 5, 2020

Yet the sound of victory has so far eluded Trump. Both he and Joe Biden believe they will emerge victorious in the US presidential election, but the two candidates are taking starkly different approaches in their messages to the American public.

There is still no clear winner in the contest as counting the ballots in six states spills over into a second day.

But Trump’s supporters are keeping the faith. Debbie Boehm who believes the president is divinely ordained, told PA Media: “I believe President Trump was appointed and anointed by God to get our nation back on the right path.”


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