Donald Trump Randomly Tweets 'Stable Genius' Boast And People Are Puzzled

"Isn't this something he said about himself?" asked one person on Twitter.

Donald Trump’s first tweet of the weekend left people puzzled on Twitter.

Many tweeters were left scratching their heads on Saturday morning after the president posted a phrase he’s previously used to praise himself with:

“A Very Stable Genius!” Thank you.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 14, 2019

Trump put quote marks around the comment.

It’s currently unclear exactly where Trump was quoting from, but the president does have a habit of amplifying things that are said on Fox News via his Twitter account.

Trump followed it up with an attack on MSNBC’s Joy Reid, praised the GOP’s congressional win in North Carolina and then tweeted his campaign slogan for 2016 and then 2020:


— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 14, 2019


— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 14, 2019

Trump called himself a “very stable genius” in January 2018 in a series of tweets in which he also claimed his “two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.” Then, in May of this year, he upped the ante by calling himself “an extremely stable genius” at a White House event.

His latest brazen claim predictably set Twitter alight:

What is wrong with you?

— Holly Figueroa O'Reilly (@AynRandPaulRyan) September 14, 2019

Yes nothing says mental stability like blurting out random tweets like this

— Tom Tomorrow (@tomtomorrow) September 14, 2019

Wait... is he thanking himself?

— Gissur Simonarson 🇮🇸🏴 (@GissiSim) September 14, 2019

Isn't this something he said about himself?

— Grace Segers (@Grace_Segers) September 14, 2019

Jumped the shark now

— Felicity Hannah (@FelicityHannah) September 14, 2019

"An Accomplished Supermodel!" Thank you.

— Katie Martin (@katie_martin_fx) September 14, 2019

He just thanked himself for calling himself a very stable genius

— Brandon Friedman (@BFriedmanDC) September 14, 2019

"Um ... [awkward silence] ... you're welcome! Have a super weekend."

— William Westhoven (@wwesthoven) September 14, 2019

Bro! It's way too early to feed your ego. Let us have our coffee first @realDonaldTrump

— SUBSCRIBE OpieRadio podcast (@OpieRadio) September 14, 2019

Was #StableGenius just referenced on Fox or something? Otherwise it looks like he is thanking himself for his own quote, which I suppose for Trump isn't actually the worst of outcomes.

— Latika M Bourke (@latikambourke) September 14, 2019

roses are red
violets are blue

— Colin Campbell (@colincampbell) September 14, 2019

Having to post this anonymous quote is literally exhibit A through Z that you are an unstable moron

— rabia O'chaudry (@rabiasquared) September 14, 2019

Isnt this just something that he, himself, said?

— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) September 14, 2019

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