Street Artist Bambi Mocks Donald Trump With 'Lie Lie Land' Parody

"This film was released during a dark political time in our world."

Street artist Bambi uses Hollywood to take aim at President Donald Trump in her latest piece.

The anonymous artist painted the “Lie Lie Land” stencil — a parody of the promotional posters for the multi Golden Globes-winning movie “La La Land” — in Islington, north London, England, on Wednesday afternoon.

But instead of Ryan Gosling dancing with Emma Stone in the image, she switched it up to show Trump twirling with the United Kingdom’s Prime Minister Theresa May.

The idea for the piece came about after seeing the movie’s posters “pasted everywhere in London,” Bambi told The Huffington Post via email Thursday.

“A happy couple dancing without a care in the world, this film was released during a dark political time in our world,” she said.

It follows her similar Trump-themed piece “Make America Sane Again,” which she painted in Camden, London, just days after his inauguration as president:

For more anti-Trump street art, click here.

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