Donald Trump Walks Out Of Executive Order Signing Without Signing Anything

No, this isn't an April Fool.

Donald Trump abruptly walked out of an executive order signing ceremony without signing any orders after being faced with some tricky questions.

The US president was speaking in the Oval Office ahead of the signing of the orders.

He was asked about sacked aide Michael Flynn, who has said he will testify about Russian involvement in the US presidential election campaign in return for immunity from prosecution.

Vice president Mike Pence reaches for Donald Trump as he walks out of the ceremony
Vice president Mike Pence reaches for Donald Trump as he walks out of the ceremony
AP/PA Images

A reporter called out: “With your tweet, were you trying tell the Justice Department to grant immunity to Michael Flynn?”

“Were you trying to do that Mr President, was that your intention sir?”

Trump continued on his way to the door without answering.

The questions related to this tweet:

Mike Flynn should ask for immunity in that this is a witch hunt (excuse for big election loss), by media & Dems, of historic proportion!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 31, 2017

Vice president Mike Pence rushed to Trump’ side and touched his arm in what appeared to be a bid to stop him leaving.

The pair had a brief exchange before the president walked out.

Trump exits the Oval Office stage left
Trump exits the Oval Office stage left
AP/PA Images
Trump apparently signed the orders later on
Trump apparently signed the orders later on
AP/PA Images

Pence was left having to awkwardly collect the two orders Trump should have signed.

The White House said that the billionaire businessman did later sign the orders, which were related to reducing the trade deficit, according to Sky News.

Trump faced questions about former national security advisor Michael Flynn
Trump faced questions about former national security advisor Michael Flynn
AP/PA Images
Pence collects up the unsigned orders
Pence collects up the unsigned orders
AP/PA Images

Flynn, who resigned only 24 days after becoming national security adviser, wants protection against “unfair prosecution” if he testifies before the intelligence committees of the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives, his lawyer, Robert Kelner, said on Thursday, according to Reuters.

Testimony from Flynn could help shed light on the conversations he had last year with Sergei Kislyak, Russian ambassador to the United States, while national security adviser for Trump’s presidential campaign.

U.S. Representative Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House of Representatives intelligence committee, said it was too soon to consider immunity requests.


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