Donald Trump's Joint Session Speech And 11 Times It Actually Made Sense

(And how he's changed his tune)

Donald Trump has surprised the world once again, but this time by actually sounding like a president.

Speaking in front of Congress on Tuesday evening he gave Republican congressional leaders a rallying cry and even a roadmap for the future as they try to push through a sweeping and divisive agenda, including changes to healthcare and taxes.

House Speaker Paul Ryan declared the speech as a “home run” and even critics were surprised at the measured and sometimes even conciliatory tone of Trump’s address.

Trump's speech was a litany of campaign pledges. But this was a different tone, surprising emphasis on unity and positivity. #Jointsession

— Jake Horowitz (@jacobdhorowitz) March 1, 2017

He's hitting the same issues and themes he talks about at rallies but this is the first time he's used a different tone to sell his agenda

— Chuck Todd (@chucktodd) March 1, 2017

So just how different was it from the Trump of old?


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