Donald Trump's Son's Attack Ad Gets A Brilliant Makeover And Turns The Criticism Right Back On Him

Not so funny now, is it Donald?

Donald Trump spends most of his time firing out attacks on people: refugees, Mexicans, women. But his campaign’s latest attempt to deride vulnerable asylum seekers has got turned right back at him.

Late on Monday night, Donald Trump Jnr posted a picture comparing Skittles to refugees, suggesting that the US should not accept anybody fleeing the war-stricken state for fear they were a terrorist.

The original ad, tweeted out by Trump Junior
The original ad, tweeted out by Trump Junior

It prompted a flurry of outrage and prompted Skittles to issue a statement clarifying that their product was “candy” and that refugees were “people”.

In a further humiliation, it transpired that the image was taken by a Cypriot-born man who fled to Britain in 1974 from the Turkish occupation of the Mediterranean island.

But the post’s latest incarnation sees Trump brilliantly mocked with the ad’s message being turned right back on its agitator.

The new version likens Trump to a “very orange skittle” who wants to “deport all the green skittles” and “called the purple skittles rapists”.

The orange skittle also claimed that ‘a lot of skittles are saying’ the skittle president’ is really an M&M, the ad reads.

This image says it all. #ImWithHer @HillaryClinton

— David Mandel (@DavidHMandel) September 21, 2016

The new ad’s creator is David Mandel, an executive producer on the satirical politics show ‘Veep’, which follows the farcical campaign of imaginary ex-US governor Selina Meyer’s run for the White House. The programme was written by Armando Iannucci, the man behind Britain’s ‘The Thick of It’.

Mandell posted the mock-up ad with the message: “This image says it all,” adding the pro-Clinton Twitter hashtag ‘#ImWithHer’.

Other spin-off Skittle ads also emerged deriding Trump.

“If I had one coin and I told you just getting tails would put a racist in the White House. Would you flip that coin” one asked.

Worried about Skittles? Donald Trump is a coin toss away from becoming president.

— Not Who We Are (@notwhoweare) September 20, 2016

While others used the opportunity to ridicule Trump Junior even further.

So just to be clear, @Skittles has greater diplomatic skills than high ranking people in the Trump campaign.

— Dan Slott (@DanSlott) September 20, 2016

Trump makes a fair point: we probably shouldn't eat any Syrian refugees. #Skittles

— Jesse Stout (@jessestout) September 20, 2016



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