Borussia Dortmund Bus Hit By Three Explosions En Route To Champions League Match

Police Confirm Three Explosions Hit Borussia Dortmund Bus, Injuring Player
The bus after the explosion
The bus after the explosion
Reuters Staff / Reuters

A footballer was injured when three explosions went off near the Borussia Dortmund team bus.

The bus was near players’ hotel, carrying them to their Champions League quarter-final and player Marc Bartra was injured, the club said.

Police said they were working on the assumption “serious explosive devices” were used.

Bei Abfahrt unseres Busses hat sich ein Vorfall ereignet. Eine Person wurde dabei verletzt. Weitere Infos folgen. #bvbasm

— Borussia Dortmund (@BVB) April 11, 2017

Photos showed glass of the bus’ windows had been smashed by the explosion.

Police at the scene
Police at the scene
Reuters Staff / Reuters

Police initially tweeted there had been an “explosion” near the team’s bus.

Erstmeldung: Explosion in der Nähe des Mannschaftsbusses des BVB #bvbasm

— Polizei NRW DO (@polizei_nrw_do) April 11, 2017

Bartra has been taken to hospital. He is not badly injured and was hit by glass from the bus’ windows, according to reports.

The match against Monaco was quickly postponed until tomorrow evening. Tens of thousands had travelled to the German city for the game.

Marc Bartra
Marc Bartra
Stefan Matzke - sampics via Getty Images
Police and emergency vehicles are seen after the explosion
Police and emergency vehicles are seen after the explosion
Reuters Staff / Reuters
A sign in the stadium tells fans the game is postponed
A sign in the stadium tells fans the game is postponed
Matthew Ashton - AMA via Getty Images
Monaco supporters with Borussia scarves react in the stadium after the match was postponed
Monaco supporters with Borussia scarves react in the stadium after the match was postponed
ODD ANDERSEN via Getty Images

The other Champions League match, between Juventus and Barcelona, is going ahead in Turin.

The other Dortmund players were unharmed, the club tweeted.

Bartra, 26, is a centre-back for the team and a Spanish international.

In the stadium where the match was due to take place, Monaco fans were chanting “Dortmund! Dortmund!” in solidarity.


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