Douglas Carswell Facts Are Relentlessly Mocking Ukip's Only MP

'Many space things are named after chocolate bars, such as Galaxy, Milky Way and Mars.'

After a very public blunder on Tuesday in which he argued with a scientist about science, Ukip’s Douglas Carswell has been facing some serious ridicule.

As if getting schooled by the university professor he was arguing with and suffering through the #AskCarswell hashtag wasn’t enough, the party’s only MP now has to face a Twitter account set up mocking his grasp of science.

Isaac Newton's theories on gravity were inspired by seeing William Tell shoot an apple off his son's head.

— Carswell Facts (@CarswellFacts) September 21, 2016

According to dinosologists, large lizard-like creatures roamed the earth during an era known as the Acrylic Period.

— Carswell Facts (@CarswellFacts) September 21, 2016

The account follows on from a trending hashtag which posed various peculiar science questions for Douglas Carswell.

#AskCarswell If smoking is bad for you, why does it cure salmon?

— Khalid Winter (@KhalidWinter) September 20, 2016

#AskCarswell How do Sardines get in the tin if the key is on the outside?

— Kevin Turvey (@KevinTurveyRIP) September 20, 2016

#AskCarswell : How did the thesaurus survive the dinosaur extinction?#Ukip

— Far Right Watch (@Far_Right_Watch) September 20, 2016

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