The Latest Downing Street Development Is Furry, Cute And Nothing To Do With Brexit

The 15-week-old Jack Russell-cross was rescued after it was abandoned by puppy farmers.

Finally, some news from Downing Street the whole country can unite behind (unless you’re strictly a cat person).

Boris Johnson appears to have received the newest member of his team on Monday morning, a rather adorable 15-week-old male Jack Russell-cross.

Either that, or he has some strong views on what might happen to veterinary medicine in the event of a no-deal Brexit.

The as-yet-unnamed dog was carried into No10 with his handlers from Friends of Animals Wales (FOAW) in Rhondda.

The Downing Street Dog has arrived

— Peter Henley (@BBCPeterH) September 2, 2019

The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: “They are a fantastic charity run by volunteers who work around the clock to make a difference to animals.

“The Prime Minister has always been a passionate supporter of animal welfare and has always believed that animals should always get the right start in life.

“That’s why the Government has taken such significant action in this area, and that obviously includes introducing Lucy’s Law.”

Lucy’s Law was aimed at cracking down on puppy farms and the new Downing Street dog started life in one such establishment.

In a statement, Friends of Animals Wales said: “We knew that Carrie Symonds has always been a huge animal welfare advocate and we are absolutely overjoyed that this gorgeous pup will be living his best life with Carrie and the Prime Minister at their Downing Street home.

He was rescued after it was abandoned by puppy farmers.

But the dog will face an immediate obstacle to settling in.

“It would have to get along with Larry”, the Downing Street cat and chief mouser to the Cabinet Office, an insider told HuffPost UK in July.

The cat was rescued from Battersea Dogs and Cats Home in 2011 by then-PM David Cameron.

And he has been caught scrapping with Palmerston, the Foreign Office cat who lives next door.

A statement from FOAW said: “To think our little pup started his life in a Welsh puppy farm and was destined for an uncertain existence at the hands of a puppy dealer, but is now going to be with people who absolutely adore him is a dream come true.

“This little man will want for nothing in his life, what could be better than that?”


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