Dressed For The Revolution: ANC Still Winning The Battle For Funkiest Party Fashions

You may need, however, to first radically transform your own budget to get your hands on some of these undeniably dazzling items.

Counter-revolutionary shades of liberal blue and EFF rouge may have already captured the country's major metros, but you won't see them anywhere near Nasrec this week.

While ANC politics and policy may be hazy, and about 50 or more shades of grey, party merchandise on sale at this year's policy conference still shines in all its iconic gold, black and green variety.

Swanky, branded winter jackets -- along with flashy T-shirts, caps and scarves fit for a committed cadre -- are all the rage among delegates through to senior party leaders, all of whom are hoping to radically transform the ANC's image ahead of a hotly contested election less than two years away.

Ostensibly new in the ANC's fashion catalogue is its 2017 Oliver Tambo range, reflecting the party's year-long commemoration of the ANC giant in its bid for contemporary renewal and reclamation of radical roots.

Whether you find yourself in the heat of state capture or maybe soon-to-be out in the political cold, the extensive summer and winter collections are enough to keep you donned in glitzy gold for all political seasons.

You may need, however, to first radically transform your own budget to get your hands on some of these undeniably dazzling items.

Caps, scarves and beanies appear to be selling like hot cakes while more niche items like top notch jackets, dresses and overalls -- swaying idly in the chilly winter breeze at merchandise stalls -- may still have to wait for Saxonwold or Oppenheimer types to pitch for sales to spike.

Fifty bucks is all you need to become an owner of a classic ANC, SACP, ANCYL or even Cosatu hat (yes, Alliance partners still feature) if you know where to go, but you'll need about R300 to purchase a collared shirt to match. If the finer items are to your taste and you're going for that puffy winter jacket look, don't pitch with less than a thousand randelas.

If you come looking for deals of the Mr Price or Jet sort, you may find yourself a little disoriented, digging deeper into your wallet to accommodate a price range more suited to the Markham, Edgars or Woolworths shopper -- at least for items that'll make you the envy of comrades, cadres and perhaps even counter-revolutionaries in awe of the ANC's colour scheme.

If it is indeed a revolutionary look you're going for (and you prefer gold and yellow to "Mickey Mouse party red", according to deputy president Cyril Ramaphosa), come on over. They're here till Wednesday.


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