Duchess Of Cambridge Pregnant: The Best Comedy Reactions To The Royal Baby News


The royals gave the nation something to talk about on Monday when the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge announced they are expecting their third child.

Kensington Palace released a statement in which it was revealed that Kate is once again suffering from a form of severe morning sickness called Hyperemesis Gravidarum.

It was not revealed when the next royal baby is due.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are expecting their third child, Kensington Palace has revealed
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are expecting their third child, Kensington Palace has revealed
PA Wire/PA Images

While the Queen and members of both families are said to be delighted with the news, Twitter did what Twitter tends to do best and went into overdrive with comedy responses.

We’ve rounded up some of the best...


— Ryan JL (@RyanJL) September 4, 2017

One can confirm that the Duchess of Cambridge is expecting her third child. Prince William needs all the heir he can get. #RoyalBaby

— Prince Charles (@Charles_HRH) September 4, 2017

When you're trying not to die a little more inside and be supportive at the same time #royalbaby pic.twitter.com/R8xmzdIbhF

— Jadecave (@Dovahkiin_Jade) September 4, 2017

So the Duchess of Cambridge is expecting. Big family, lives off the state, Channel 4 will make a documentary about them soon.#royalbaby

— Steve N Allen (@mrstevenallen) September 4, 2017

Of course, with the government's new 2 child limit, I presume William and Kate's third child will receive no state support. #royalbaby

— David Schneider (@davidschneider) September 4, 2017

"There goes any chance I had to be king" #royalbaby pic.twitter.com/lPQhOlMFGv

— Jimmy (@jcodfishpie) September 4, 2017

I think they should call it "Sixtus" just to piss people off.

— Hugo Rifkind (@hugorifkind) September 4, 2017

Difficult third series #RoyalBaby3

— Rachel Gerrish (@RLGerrish) September 4, 2017

He's totally timed this to get 2 weeks paternity during the World Cup. Will is an ABSOLUTE LAD.#RoyalBaby pic.twitter.com/5i41rnASDz

— Channel 4 (@Channel4) September 4, 2017


— Tom Rush (@TomRushh) September 4, 2017

why would kate middleton announce she's pregnant again on Beyoncé's birthday? pretty rude if u ask me

— sam (@samswannell) September 4, 2017

"The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are expecting their third child" pic.twitter.com/JMPVdRgKkd

— Ed Brody (@chiefbrody1984) September 4, 2017

Presenter: "The Duchess of Cambridge is pregnant" -turns to reporter - "Can you tell us any more?" Reporter: "No, not really" 😂

— Allie Hodgkins-Brown (@AllieHBNews) September 4, 2017

Poor Kate Middleton. Despite the fact that she gets severe morning sickness, she's required to have babies until national morale improves.

— Anna (@annarchism) September 4, 2017

Just stating now that I think 'Prince William and his 3 children' should instead be known as 'Baldilocks and the 3 heirs'#royalbaby

— Amanda (@Pandamoanimum) September 4, 2017

The royal couple’s third child will be fifth in line to the British throne. William, 35, is the eldest son of Prince Charles, the first in line to the throne, and a grandson of the queen. The announcement means Prince Harry is now sixth in line to the throne.


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