How To Help The Homeless By Sharing Your Christmas Sleeping Arrangements

The Twitter tradition of sharing pics of seasonal sleeping arrangements is back - with an important message.

Travelling back home for Christmas is brilliant, not only because you’re with loved ones and have a fridge-full of food but also because everyone has to get a bit creative about sleeping arrangements – from twin beds for married couples to makeshift camps in utility rooms and hideous bedding from 30 years ago.

In recent years, people have been sharing snaps of their festive set-ups on Twitter with writer and journalist Rhodri Marsden (@Rhodri) using the rather brilliant hashtag #DuvetKnowItsChristmas. And this year, these pictures are supporting a very worthy cause.

Not everyone has a home at Christmas, which is why Rhodri is campaigning for people to donate to the charity Shelter when they share their annual bedroom snaps.

In a video shared by Twitter, Rhodri reads out an adapted version of ‘The Night Before Christmas’, where he comments on the hilarious range of photos sent in to him so far. Click here to view the video.

At the end, the video asks people to donate to Shelter to help the homeless when they share their snaps this year.

Rhodri took to Twitter to confirm he’ll still be sharing people’s sleeping arrangements on Christmas Eve, as is tradition: “But in addition, I’ve donned a Christmas jumper and rewritten a much-loved poem. All for @Shelter.”

Greg Beales, campaigns director at Shelter, said: “It’s totally shocking that 320,000 people in Britain have been swept aside by the housing crisis and now have no place to call home.

“We desperately need action now – to change tomorrow for the hundreds of thousands whose lives will be blighted by homelessness this winter. That’s why we are so pleased to partner with Twitter who will get the message out there that now is the time to act.”

For those who are new to the annual tradition, here are some #DuvetKnowItsChristmas entries from previous years, to give you a flavour of what to expect.

@Rhodri Height of sophistication this year - single airbed with monster pillow and Mickey Mouse blanket, set up between my mum's bed and the radiator #DuvetKnowItsChristmas

— Vicki Turk (@VickiTurk) December 24, 2017

@rhodri It's a stark cupboard in the loft for me. No radiator, single bed, duvet & pillow brought from home. #duvetknowitschristmas

— Rosie (@rm_lloyd) December 24, 2016

My Christmas sleeping quarters in my brother's motor home in front of his house (also the main booze storage area) I can hear noises outside 🤤 @rhodri #duvetknowitschristmas

— Amy Longsden (@amylongsden) December 24, 2017

@rhodri relegated to a single blow up bed on my own lounge floor. There are 2 double beds in this house that I paid for! How did this happen? 🤔 #duvetknowitschristmas

— Michelle McLean (@michiemc82) December 24, 2017

@rhodri At least I can choose outfits without getting out of bed.#duvetknowitschristmas

— The Ugly Bug Ball #kerkasielBethel (@TheUglyBugBall) December 24, 2017

@rhodri it's really not clear where the bed, wall and curtains end and begin #duvetknowitschristmas

— Stephanie Parkin (@Schstephs) December 24, 2017

.@rhodri I’m squashed into this bedroom #duvetknowitschristmas

— Mark Sinkinson (@marksinkinson) December 24, 2017