Elon Musk Blasted For Mocking Zelenskyy's Requests For Ukraine Aid

The Twitter owner posted an edited picture of the Ukrainian president that was captioned, "When it’s been 5 minutes and you haven’t asked for a billion dollars.”

Tech mogul Elon Musk was blasted on Sunday after he posted a meme that mocked the requests that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has made for aid to help his country continue its fight against Russia.

The head of X, formerly known as Twitter, posted an edited picture of Zelenskyy that made it look as if his veins were popping out of his head.

The caption said: “When it’s been 5 minutes and you haven’t asked for a billion dollars.”

Although the X-man probably thought the post was “comedy,” many people weren’t laughing, especially since as many as 40,000 Ukranian civilians have died since the Russian invasion began in February 2022, according to Le Monde.

As a result, Musk was blasted for the post, and many people noted that he’s not the guy who should be accusing others of freeloading.

bitch, your own companies have received more subsidies than Ukraine ever has… go ahead & take many seats https://t.co/lJ1qLXYn3Q

— LeGate 𝕏 (@williamlegate) October 2, 2023

Very brave to post this when your company receives billions in government subsidies to exist, I actually gotta admire it. https://t.co/ptlfRVDWmj

— iSorrowproductions (@ISPuuuv) October 2, 2023

Others noted that Musk seemed to be promoting propaganda that Russian President Vladimir Putin would admire.

I don’t think there can be any doubt now that Musk is against democratic Ukraine and for fascist Russia, as he’s using his own account to post Kremlin propaganda now. https://t.co/IlEGXBZhYT

— Euan MacDonald (@Euan_MacDonald) October 2, 2023

Cancel all Department of Defence contracts with Musk organisations.

Cancel the commercial crew programme with Space X.

Traitors should not be given multi-billion dollar contracts.

If anyone is robbing the American tax-payer, it is tax dodging billionaires like this. https://t.co/hMsaEn6Nrq

— Fellaraktar🇺🇦 (@fellaraktar) October 1, 2023

Richest man on earth, and the owner of the number one global communication platform, is trying to undermine Ukraine's struggle to survive (which depends on Western military support), effectively campaigning for Russia and Putin. https://t.co/l6BueX8Fmh

— Ulrich Speck (@ulrichspeck) October 2, 2023

Elon Musk and those within his immediate milieu should be stripped of their U.S. security clearances as soon as possible. https://t.co/uzYDSlgfDf

— Jackie Singh 🌊🌊🌊 (@HackingButLegal) October 2, 2023

Zelenskyy came to Washington, DC, last month and thanked the US for the money and aid provided so far.

“There is not a single soul here today who would not care what happens to freedom. And there is not a soul in Ukraine that does not feel gratitude to you, America, to you, the people who help us, not because you have to but because your heart cannot let you do otherwise,” Zelenskyy said.

“That is humanity. This is what makes us Ukraine. That is what makes you America.”


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