Emma Willis' No-Nonsense Interview Style As She Grills Roxanne Pallett Wins Over 'Celebrity Big Brother' Fans

'Did the producers at Question Time get the memo that Emma is giving her screen test for Dimbleby's job?'

There was only one woman viewers were interested in seeing when they tuned into Monday night’s ‘Celebrity Big Brother’, and that was Roxanne Pallett.

After quitting the show over the weekend, it was revealed that Roxanne would be given the chance to explain herself, and by the end of her pre-recorded interview, the name on every ‘CBB’ fan’s lips was Emma Willis.

The presenter sparked a huge reaction on social media with her no-nonsense interview style, grilling Roxanne about accusing fellow housemate Ryan Thomas of “deliberately” and “repeatedly” punching her, which the former soap star conceded was a mistake.

Over on Twitter, Emma received a hugely positive reception, with many lauding the ‘CBB’ host for the way she handled the interview...

Emma Willis is bang on! Couldn’t agree with her more, a lot of other presenters would be too soft in this circumstance, she’s not backing down though but also not coming across as a bully at the same time! #CBB

— Laurennnnn (@Sutcliffeee) September 3, 2018

Emma Willis the next Jeremy Paxman anyone? @EmmaWillis https://t.co/cKzwRazYnG

— John Kiely (@jkmanc1974) September 4, 2018


— Dan Hughes (@Daneeeboy) September 3, 2018

Wow @EmmaWillis
You handled that interview with class. You weren't scared to confront and it didn't come across as nasty or heavy-handed. Masterclass. 👍🏻

— Iain (@BeaIe_) September 3, 2018

@KensingtonRoyal give Emma Willis an OBE for services to broadcasting please #CBB

— Rachel Hawkins (@ourrachblogs) September 3, 2018

Emma Willis in that interview with Roxanne though 😮👏 #CBB #CBBUK pic.twitter.com/qsMW4N8ec9

— Jasmin (@ItsJasminHere) September 3, 2018

New show idea ‘EMMA WILLIS’ LIFE STORIES’ interview the shit out of controversial individuals 😂 #cbb

— Victoria (@victoriabundock) September 3, 2018

That was a brilliant interview 👏🏻👏🏻 Emma wasn’t pulling any punches. So to speak. #CBB

— Andrew Hayden-Smith (@AndrewHaydSmith) September 3, 2018

Emma Willis is the top UK trend!
Have to say, based on her Celebrity Big Brother interviewing, she might be the front runner to replace Dimbleby on Question Time! @EmmaWillis 👏🏻 👏🏻

— Chris 🦁 (@_chrisUK) September 3, 2018

Did the producers of Question Time get the MEMO that Emma Willis on tonights #CBB is giving her screen test for Dimbleby’s job?

— Danny Lee Wynter (@dannyleewynter) September 3, 2018

She was even compared favourably to broadcaster Jeremy Vine, who had interviewed Roxanne earlier that day on the first episode of his new Channel 5 current affairs show...

Today Emma Willis was a better journalist than Jeremy Vine when it came to grilling Roxanne #cbb

— Ed Gleave (@EdHotTV) September 3, 2018

Glad Emma Willis give her a proper interview. Jeremy Vine let her off the hook ffs

— Ben (#BacktheNECcode) (@BenJolly9) September 4, 2018

Class,Emma showed Jeremy vine how it should be done.

— Cara (@Carabayne666) September 4, 2018

I’ve always loved Emma Willis, but she’s got even higher in my book for grilling Roxanne in that interview. Straight to the point, no messing journalism unlike that Jeremy Vine Show. Roxanne is an evil and toxic individual. #cbb #roxanne

— Guy (@GuyCrompton) September 4, 2018

Emma did herself and @ryanjamesthomas proud with that interview think people thought it was gunna be a soft one like Jeremy Vine but NO Emma was having none of it she asked what we all wanted 👏🏻👏🏻 well done @EmmaWillis

— NanaSanj (@xMissySheltonx) September 3, 2018

Emma Willis should replace Jeremy Vine. Or Piers Morgan. Or Andrew Neil. Hell, she could replace Stephen Sackur at this rate. #CBB

— Dave Petty (@exprojectionist) September 4, 2018

Emma’s stoic face throughout the interview caught ‘CBB’ fans’ particular, with her sony expression summing up what a lot of people were thinking as they heard Roxanne’s explanations...

Emma Willis had the SAME face during the whole interview. I am dying😂😂😂 #CBB #CBBRoxanne #BBUK pic.twitter.com/o6IdyXADZR

— skyerenaee (@SkyeRenaee) September 3, 2018

The nation's reaction to Roxanne in one screengrab #cbb pic.twitter.com/p953pjEIDx

— Shaun Kitchener (@ShaunKitchener) September 3, 2018

Emma Willis and her Death Stare of doom is my new icon and I’m very happy! She was BRILLIANT in that Roxanne interview! 👏 #CBB

— Jo #IBelieveHim (@ZoeHeriot_) September 3, 2018

“Oh hello. I’d like to order one Righteous Death Stare please” #cbb pic.twitter.com/8X1aVfR68h

— Emma Kennedy (@EmmaKennedy) September 3, 2018

Emma Willis is everyone listening to Roxanne right now #CBB pic.twitter.com/PrrIxQjbFv

— Duncan Lindsay (@DuncanLindsay) September 3, 2018

Loving the look on @EmmaWillis face during her fantastic interview with Roxanne. Not sure how Emma kept her cool tho, hats off to u girl... #cbb #CBBBOTS #Ryantowin #calmoutsideraginginside @bigbrother pic.twitter.com/oI4OvVVyV3

— NFFCJonesy (@sarah7399) September 3, 2018

Emma Willis was READY for Roxanne Pallett. Thank you Emma. That was exactly the grilling we wanted #CBB pic.twitter.com/rYCjkn4VSf

— Darren Haywood (@darren_haywood) September 3, 2018

Emma Willis’s face interviewing #Roxanne on #CBB ..... she’s having none of it! @EmmaWillis pic.twitter.com/DW1kKjcOtD

— Sammy Woodhouse (@sammywoodhouse1) September 3, 2018

Off to practice my Emma Willis 'I-Can-See-Right-Through-You' glare
#cbb @EmmaWillis pic.twitter.com/lsoi0LRFhJ

— Stuart Hatton Jr (@hattondancer) September 3, 2018

At the end of the one-on-one, Emma asked Roxanne whether she thought, if this were happening to someone else, she felt that she “could forgive” herself, which prompted a tearful reaction from the former ‘Emmerdale’ star.

Emma was unmoved, to say the least, instead using this as the moment to wrap up the interview, taking out her earpiece and thanking the crew around her...

Emma just delivered the response of 2018 that was sheer TV Gold to watch #CBB 👏 pic.twitter.com/yxTdMe2IxQ

— Christopher Wood (@ChrisJW1987) September 3, 2018

Emma when Roxanne started crying- "Thanks everybody." @EmmaWillis 👏👏👏 #CBB

— Katie Rogers (@katiehall87) September 3, 2018

Emma Willis whipping her earpiece out and ending the interview when Roxanne started crying is the most iconic piece of British television this year #cbb

— Katie (@c0nesofdunshire) September 3, 2018

That moment when you thought Emma Willis was gonna hand over a hanky to wipe her eyes NOPE! #cbb pic.twitter.com/CySEiUCp4p

— 🅱🅱XTRA® (@BigBrotherXtra) September 3, 2018

Howling at Emma Willis having none of Roxanne and her tears. #cbb pic.twitter.com/kIDPBwsFeu

— shane telford. (@MrShaneReaction) September 3, 2018

Emma Willis flicking both her earpieces out and abruptly saying “thanks everyone” while Roxanne sat and cried is the most iconic thing she’s ever done #CBB #CBBUK pic.twitter.com/CI202E8cwi

— JD (@Jonny_Dodds) September 3, 2018

Roxanne starts to cry Emma is like... #CBB pic.twitter.com/WXnxkrsnXS

— MrsWilson (@nataliebylett) September 3, 2018

Emma Willis as soon as Roxanne started with the crocodile tears on #cbb : pic.twitter.com/QywhUBR92c

— Kathy 🌸 (@prettykitty_) September 3, 2018

Our favourite reaction of all, though…?

Love my wife!!!

— matt willis (@mattjwillis) September 3, 2018


During her pre-recorded ‘CBB’ interview, Roxanne shared her fears that she had become the “most hated woman in Britain”, saying: “It’s a lot to deal with. That’s the title I feel everyone has given me at the moment. All I can do is own it, accept it and apologise.”

‘Celebrity Big Brother’ airs every night on Channel 5.


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