Eric Trump Asks Question About His Dad, Gets The Same Stinging Response

Twitter users issued a collective "no" in reply to a post from Donald Trump's son.

Eric Trump received a resounding “no” in response to a question posed via a web address he shared on Twitter on Thursday.

Former President Donald Trump’s son posted the URL

It linked to a page featuring an image of his father in front of the American flag.

— Eric Trump (@EricTrump) September 16, 2021

The biting responses were reminiscent of those fired back at the ex-president when he asked the same question last month:

I had the flu once. I had a terrible headache, and I was puking and shitting diarrhea everywhere.

I don't miss THAT, either.

— Doug Profitt (@Doug_Profitt) September 16, 2021

Just like a root canal we miss you or any part of your family!!!

— Tom Kauffman (@tomkat61347) September 16, 2021

No and never will!

— Mitten Momma (@TheMittenMom2) September 16, 2021

Absolutely not!!!

— Margie Potter (@margiepotter12) September 16, 2021

F’ck no.

— Zaza Chilvers (@ZazaChilvers) September 16, 2021

— Cristina A. 🇪🇦🇺🇸 (@crisda25) September 16, 2021

— Kate 🤍🇺🇸 (@ImSpeaking13) September 16, 2021

Hell to the NO!

— Danny (@xxdominicanxx) September 16, 2021

No, No and NO!

— CalgaryBuffalo (@calgary_buffalo) September 16, 2021

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