‘Fantastic Beasts’ Sequel Won’t ‘Explicitly’ Address Dumbledore’s Sexuality, Says Director David Yates


‘Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them’ director David Yates has said the second film in the franchise will “not explicitly” address Albus Dumbledore’s sexuality.

Back in 2007, author JK Rowling revealed that the Hogwarts headmaster was gay, telling fans that he ”fell in love with Grindelwald, and that added to his horror when Grindelwald showed himself to be what he was”.

Jude Law as Dumbledore
Jude Law as Dumbledore
Warner Bros

But while the upcoming film, ‘The Crimes Of Grindelwald’, will introduce Jude Law as a young Dumbledore, alongside returning character Grindelwald (Johnny Depp), his sexuality will not be explored.

Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, David said: “But I think all the fans are aware of that.

There are still three ‘Fantastic Beasts’ films to follow the next one and while there’s every chance Dumbledore’s sexuality could be addressed later, many fans are unhappy with the move:

David Yates: well, dumbledore won't *explicitly* be ...

me: pic.twitter.com/GBhB0T2reT

— Alex Bedder (@itgetsbedder) January 31, 2018

“Not explicitly,” Yates replied when asked if the film makes it clear that Dumbledore is gay. “But I think all the fans are aware of that."


— Connor Goldsmith (@dreamoforgonon) January 31, 2018

JKR *opening closet door, gestures*: Look, it's Dumbledore, he's gay!
Dumbledoor *tries to step out of the closet*
JKR: pic.twitter.com/PnICoNowa2

— heidi heilig (@heidiheilig) January 31, 2018

If you're not going to make Young Dumbledore's sexuality explicitly clear in Fantastic Beasts then why even bother with this film at all tbh?

— Jill Pantozzi ♿ (@JillPantozzi) January 31, 2018

Fantastic Beasts has THE EASIEST POSSIBLE ROUTE to queer representation in a Hollywood blockbuster: a white male side-character in an infallible franchise brand.

— Gavia Baker-Whitelaw (@Hello_Tailor) January 31, 2018

Tweeting from the floor, re: this Dumbledore news.

The Potterverse of my adulthood is 🚮🚮🚮🚮🚮🚮🚮

— Kendra James (@KendraJames_) January 31, 2018

Yates goes on to stress that Dumbledore and Grindelwald "fell in love with each other's ideas, and ideology, and each other". All very platonic ideal, just two guys at symposium, nothing earthly. These people are so squeamish about penises touching, I swear to god.

— Connor Goldsmith (@dreamoforgonon) January 31, 2018

Can you imagine being this rich and this cowardly? https://t.co/Pv1oD3Ef3B

— heidi heilig (@heidiheilig) January 31, 2018

First Johnny Depp. Now Dumbledore's actually confirmed homosexuality.

Great way to turn a movie, that could have made a change by openly representing the LGBT community, into trash. https://t.co/vs2BTQT2VS

— Tᴏᴍᴍʏ. (@OfBooknerdism) January 31, 2018

JK Rowling is yet to address the David’s latest comments. Two years ago, she hinted that Dumbledore’s feelings for Grindelwald would form some part of the film series.

David Yates
David Yates
PA Archive/PA Images

“I can’t tell you everything I would like to say because this is obviously a five-part story so there’s lots to unpack in that relationship [between Dumbledore and Grindelwald],” she said at a press conference. “You will see Dumbledore as a younger man and quite a troubled man — he wasn’t always the sage…

“As far as his sexuality is concerned … watch this space.”

This isn’t the first time David has a faced a backlash from ‘Harry Potter’ fans, as many were previously unimpressed when he defended Depp’s role in the new films.


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