Farmer Cultivates A Following After Carving Anti-Trump Message Into His Soybean Field

A political idea took root down on Peter Larson's North Dakota farm.

North Dakota cattle rancher and grain farmer Peter Larson took the bull by the horns last week and carved the names “Biden” and “Harris” into his harvested soybean field.

Larson then took photos of his campaign field art promoting Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and running mate Sen. Kamala Harris during a flyover of his land in Sheyenne. He sent the pictures to his daughters, Joanna and Sandra, who posted the photos on Twitter, KFYR-TV reported.

Sandra compared her dad’s message to a kind of tweet.

To be fair, my dad, Peter, did it! He doesn't have Twitter, so this is how he shows support.

— Sandra Larson (@sandra_larson7) October 8, 2020

Larson also carved the names “Lenz” and “Vig” on another field for Democrats Dr. Shelley Lenz, who’s running for governor in his state, and Ben Vig, who’s in a race for lieutenant governor.

The lifelong Democrat told KFYR-TV that the messages were the first time he had used his fields to share his political views. He said he wanted to encourage everyone to get out and vote.

The two pairs of names were placed in adjacent fields and are right under the flight path of a regional route to Denver.

Although recent polls show President Donald Trump leading Biden by an average of 14 points in North Dakota, the state is now suffering from a spike in Covid-19 cases, which could impact voter sentiment.

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