If you thought an ultra-tall waterslide was terrifying, just wait till you see this twisted creation.
German waterslide supplier Wiegand.maelzer unveiled plans for a giant slide-Ferris wheel hybrid that rotates as passengers zip through a tangled chute that stretches nearly 80 feet high. They call it the Slidewheel, and it looks utterly gut-jolting.
Videos from Slidewheel test runs show passengers sloshing around in the tube as it rotates. Passengers ride in four-person rafts, and the entire experience lasts about two minutes, Wiegand.maelzer co-founder Rainer Maelzer told Attractions Magazine. The rotation speed can be adjusted for a more family-friendly ride or a harrowing g-force experience, with rafts reaching a maximum speed of 25 miles per hour, according to Hackaday.
Slidewheel isn’t in waterparks just yet, but the company has sealed three deals in yet-to-be-named locations to make it a reality, Attractions reports.