Foie Gras Has Gone Too Far (PHOTOS)

This liver has crossed the line. Seriously.

When it comes to enjoying the great culinary successes of the French, we are more than on board. We appreciate their mastery of pastries. We thank them every day for their fine wines. And when it comes to foie gras, we feel forever indebted to them.

While we respect the controversy that surrounds foie gras, we also happen to love the taste. We've tried it plain on the crustiest of breads and can say first hand that it's nothing short of an out of body experience. The liver is just that good.

Just like any food lover, we all want to give in to our indulgent 5-year-old self and overdose on our favorite foods all day every day. If we didn't practice a little self control it would be all Nutella, hamburgers and foie gras all the time. But we know better than that. We know from personal experience that too much of a good thing is just going to ruin EVERYTHING.

Look at what happened to bacon, people. It has been used and abused with bacon-flavored sodas and bacon-topped cupcakes. It's gotten to the point that now we sometimes opt for breakfast sausage in its place. We don't want to see this happen to foie gras. Can we please stop putting it places where it just doesn't belong?! We're sure it tastes good, but it just isn't right. Behold the 10 ways that foie gras has gone too far -- please, just don't support them.

Foie Gras Cotton Candy
Yes, we're all impressed with your haute cuisine take on this classic fair food. Now please, make it go away.
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Foie Gras Hot Dog
What's wrong with relish, guys?
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Foie Gras Ice Cream
Make. It. Stop.
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Foie Gras Burger
Not even foie gras should be bold enough to take the place of bacon. You better step, foie gras.
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Foie Gras Club Sandwich
Why you dissing chicken like that?
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Foie Gras Milkshake
That's just gross.
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Foie Gras Donut
We knew someone just had to go there.
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Foie Gras Fast Food
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Foie Gras French Fries
When you do this to foie gras, it definitely deserves to be washed down with a Diet Coke.
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Foie Gras Macarons
Sometimes two rights make a wrong.
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