Fox News Pulls Story That Lifted From Politico

Fox News Apologizes For Big Error

Fox News deleted a story on Tuesday morning after it was found to have lifted substantial portions of material from Politico.

On Monday, media blogger Jim Romenesko noticed the similarity between a March 1 Fox News story about the budget sequester and a Politico story that was posted on the same day. One paragraph was exactly the same.

After Romenesko raised the issue, Fox News yanked the story and put an editor's note in its place:

"Due to a reporting error, a March 1 story on the timing and impact of the sequestration cuts used information from an internal research document that contained material previously published by other news organizations. The story did not properly credit the sources of that material, and has subsequently been removed from

The uncredited use of the material was unintentional, and regrets the error."


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