Frankie Boyle Sums Up Despair Of EU Remain Voters

'We’ve focussed on what unites us, which, sadly is hatred'

Frankie Boyle has fired off a series of withering tweets in the wake of Britain’s vote to leave the European Union.

“It’s been good to see an election where we’ve focussed on what unites us, which, sadly is hatred”, he remarked of the 51.9% to 48.1% vote, which saw a turnout of 72.2%.

Frankie Boyle has been commenting on the results of the EU Referendum
Frankie Boyle has been commenting on the results of the EU Referendum
Ian West/PA Archive

The comedian appeared to be in a sombre mood as he commented on the accompanying market crash, which has seen the pound plummet to a low not seen since 1985.

The result, which means that Britain is no longer the fifth biggest economy in the world, also saw the FTSE lose £122bn in value.

Boyle quipped: “Don’t forget that we can restore the value of Sterling simply by buying pounds off each other. I’m offering 30p each.”

“Still, at least we have put a stop to economic migration, by making the pound worthless,” he added.

Amid the news David Cameron will step down as Prime Minister, it has emerged that former Mayor of London Boris Johnson is the bookies’ favourite to succeed him.

After leading the Brexiteers to victory, his stock among the widely Eurosceptic Conservatives grassroots will be higher than ever.

Boyle mused: “And as Boris takes control, we finally understand that they wanted to control our borders so they could stop us from fleeing”, adding: “It’s important to just accept the result and move on, possibly to another country.”

He also pondered: “A lot of uncertainty ahead for high street banks, as all our armed robbers come back from Spain.”

Among the words he used to describe the scenario were "riots", "facism", "war", "economic crash".

It's raining Thursday. Brexit. Economic crash. Food riots. Slide into fascism. At war with China. Trenches all across Mongolia. Bloody rain.

— Frankie Boyle (@frankieboyle) June 21, 2016

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