Frankie Boyle Takes On Jeremy Hunt In Junior Doctor Strike Column


Frankie Boyle has made his distaste for the government's stance on the junior doctors strike clear in one succinct tweet.

We now have a government so far to the right that doctors can be seen as dangerous radicals

— Frankie Boyle (@frankieboyle) April 26, 2016

A day later the vitriolic comedian expanded his thoughts into another column in the Guardian concentrating his fire on Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt.

Wednesday saw day two of the first ever all-out strike in the history of the NHS.

More than 20,000 junior doctors are thought to have been on strike on Tuesday as the dispute with the Government over a new contract continues, reports the Press Association.

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has admitted this is likely to be his "last big job in politics" but insisted the Government will not be "blackmailed" into dropping its manifesto pledge of improving seven-day services.

Perfection from Frankie Boyle

— Charlie Newton (@bryhercharlie) April 27, 2016

Figures complied by NHS England suggest 78% of junior doctors (21,608) who were expected to be working on Tuesday did not report for duty.

However, NHS England said the figures had not been fully validated and includes those who may be off due to sickness or other reasons.

Boyle tackled the issue in a column titled: "Jeremy Hunt doesn’t understand junior doctors. He co-wrote a book on how to dismantle the NHS."

Frankie Boyle on Jeremy Hunt is hilariously funny and deeply sad. That final anecdote, my God

— Graham Linehan (@Glinner) April 27, 2016

Here are his 5 best lines...

“Consider how desperate these doctors are: so desperate that they want to talk to Jeremy Hunt. Surely even Hunt’s wife would rather spend a sleepless 72 hours gazing into a cracked open ribcage than talk to him.”

“Hunt’s only other job was founding Hotcourses magazine: his areas of expertise are how to bulletpoint a list and make dog grooming look like a viable career change.”

“Even the name Jeremy Hunt is so redolent of upper-class brutality that it feels like he belongs in one of those Martin Amis books where working-class people are called things like Dave Rubbish and Billy Darts.”

“Hunt doesn’t understand the need to pay doctors – he’s part of a ruling class that doesn’t understand that the desire to cut someone open and rearrange their internal organs can come from a desire to help others, and not just because of insanity caused by hereditary syphilis.”

“Sadly, Tories don’t understand why someone would stay in a job for decency and love when their mother was never around long enough to find out what language the nanny spoke.”

Hunt faced an excruciating interview with Channel 4's Cathy Newman on Tuesday evening, "squirming" after being confronted about his claims that 500 doctors had already signed up to the new contract.

Hard not to be moved by that last paragraph in Frankie Boyle's column. Shame it's white noise to the people who have the power to fix it.

— Matt Tate (@Mattt8_91) April 27, 2016

That Frankie Boyle piece is excellent. It strikes me that he also sounds like a Martin Amis character.

— Moose Allain (@MooseAllain) April 27, 2016

The last 4 words on that Frankie Boyle Guardian piece are some of the saddest. The Tories are pretty much Incapable of humanity

— Barry Burns (@DasGiftBerlin) April 27, 2016

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