Freebies Row Erupts Again As Keir Starmer Pays Back More Than £6,000 Worth Of Gifts

The Labour leader had received the hospitality since becoming prime minister.
Keir Starmer speaks to the media at the European Commission headquarters in Brussels on Wednesday.
Keir Starmer speaks to the media at the European Commission headquarters in Brussels on Wednesday.
via Associated Press

Keir Starmer has paid back more than £6,000 worth of gifts and hospitality he has received since becoming prime minister as the freebies row erupted once again.

The PM made the surprise announcement as the latest register of MPs’ interests was published.

Starmer has been mired in controversy for weeks over his decision to accept £20,000 worth of clothes for himself and his wife from Labour peer Lord Alli, as well as a raft other hospitality and gifts when he was leader of the opposition.

Downing Street said he is repaying the cost of four Taylor Swift tickets given to him by Universal Music Group totalling £2,800, two more from the Football Association at a cost of £598, and four tickets to Doncaster Races from Arena Racing Corporation at £1,939.

An £839 clothing rental agreement with Edeline Lee, the designer recently worn by his wife, Victoria, to London Fashion Week, along with one hour of hair and makeup, was also covered by the PM.

However, he is not repaying the cost of football tickets given to him by Arsenal.

He has previously said he had no choice but to move from his usual seat at the Emirates Stadium because of security reasons.

Speaking in Brussels, Starmer said it was “right” for him to repay the donations while new principles for accepting gifts were drawn up.

He said: “We came in as a government of change. We are now going to bring forward principles for donations, because, until now, politicians have used their best individual judgment on a case-by-case basis. I think we need some principles of general application.

“So, I took the position that until the principles are in place it was right for me to make those repayments.”

A Conservative Party spokesman said: “Day after day more and more comes out about the scandal at the top of Keir Starmer’s government. This scandal has become a complete distraction from the job of governing.

“It appears Starmer will only be transparent when his back’s against the wall. This announcement today poses more questions than it answers. Why did Starmer take these freebies in the first place?”


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