The Funniest Tweets From Parents This Week

"Parenting books should be legally required to display the number of children the author has."

Kids may say the darndest things, but parents tweet about them in the funniest ways. So each week, we round up the most hilarious quips from parents on Twitter to spread the joy.

Scroll down to read the latest batch, and follow @HPUKParents on Twitter for more!

Parents are Roy Kent on the inside and Ted Lasso on the outside

— Vinod Chhaproo (@Chhapiness) November 23, 2021

My toddler’s new thing is to say “Mama” on repeat for 20 minutes straight and I’m not supposed to respond, unless of course I am supposed to respond, in case any of you were thinking of skipping the birth control

— Real Life Mommy (@reallifemommy3) November 22, 2021

parenting books should be legally required to display the number of children the author has

— Village Person (@SvnSxty) November 20, 2021

Mommy blogs be like, How to make your Thanksgiving stress free with 300 tasks you should do in the next 30 minutes.

— Jessie (@mommajessiec) November 20, 2021

Almost time to put up the Christmas lights or, as my kids call it, “Swear Day.”

— Rodney Lacroix (@RodLacroix) November 21, 2021

my 4 year old realizing that I gave her her vitamin gummies this morning and that her mom gave her her vitamin gummies this morning and pacing around worried like she's gonna OD

— Henpecked Hal (@HenpeckedHal) November 20, 2021

My 4yo: Daddy, I thought Santa gave birth to Jesus

Husband: No one really knows for sure


— Lil Bit 🌈 (@LizerReal) November 23, 2021

Since I refuse, 5 was wondering if anyone would like to play “hammers” with her. She has a hammer and you run. So anyway, let me know.

— Marissa 💚🦃💛 (@michimama75) November 21, 2021

people who don't blur their backgrounds on video calls are just bragging that they don't have kids

— mom mom mom mom mom (@notmythirdrodeo) November 23, 2021

4: Let's hunt turkeys, Daddy.

Me: How do we do that?

4: Put up a big sign that says, "Come here, Turkeys!"

I might be raising Elmer Fudd.

— NicholasG (@Dad_At_Law) November 23, 2021

“My Fair Lady” but Eliza Doolittle is my 7 year old, and instead of the loud cockney accent I’m trying to coach away a tendency to fart as a greeting to strangers

— Arianna Bradford (@thearibradford) November 22, 2021

no one:

absolutely no one:

my 8 year old: i hate lasagna if someone ever brought me one when im old id make my wife eat it

— That Mom Tho (@mom_tho) November 23, 2021

3.5 *Two hours after bedtime: MOOOMMMYYY

Me: what's wrong!!!?!?

3.5: what animals don't have teeth?

— Not Another Pinterest Mom (@snarkymomtobe) November 22, 2021

Tell your teenager to clean them out of their room now so you will have enough cups and dishes for Thanksgiving.

— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) November 21, 2021

my kids have been asking for a baby brother or sister and today a little miracle arrived

— MumInBits (@MumInBits) November 20, 2021

If you'd all take a moment to imagine living with a 10 yr old who talks all day in the voice of a flight attendant after a weekend away.

— AparnaRC (@Wordesse) November 22, 2021

My favourite part of parenting right now is that my 4 year old keep making plans to go to his friend’s house after school but doesn’t tell us, his parents, or even his friend, and then loses his mind when it doesn’t actually happen, what’s yours?

— three time daddy (@threetimedaddy) November 22, 2021

When my son was born, I knew that I would love him forever, with a slight break between 12 and 21.

— The Alex Nevil (@TheAlexNevil) November 23, 2021