15 Tweets Accurately Describing The Hellscape That Is Parenting On A Hangover

Why do we do it to ourselves?
Tom Haigh via Getty Images

If you rang in the New Year last night and are nursing a sore head this morning, you’re probably contending with the fact you’ve now got a day (or two, if you’re really lucky) of looking after your kids while your brain tries to escape your skull.

Never fear though, you’re certainly not alone in your struggles. These tweets are proof that hangovers and being a parent certainly don’t, under any circumstances, mix. But we’ll do it all again next year anyway...

1. This video is *the* most accurate depiction of the struggle we’re all facing right now

Parenting with a hangover. pic.twitter.com/UATVF4CAB2

— Man vs Baby (@mattcoyney) September 25, 2022

2. Trampolining on a hangover is probably not advised

Decently hungover and I went trampolining with a hyperactive toddler for many hours today. I don't know why I'm like this.

— David Milner (@DaveMilbo) August 1, 2021

3. See also: potty training

Potty training a toddler while hungover. Zero stars. Do not recommend.

— kidversations (@kidversations_) August 4, 2022

4. Why do we do it to ourselves?

Sure, #parenting is hard and all. But parenting with a hangover? #fridaynightwasfun #todaywasnot pic.twitter.com/Y9VPpKFX8H

— Kendra Brown (@theonlykendra) May 25, 2019

5. There is no respite for a hungover parent

Today’s parenting. Nursing a hangover and building a frozen 2 dam. pic.twitter.com/QkEmqlyvVs

— Rebecca Brice (@Radiobex) February 27, 2020

6. Sometimes you have to do whatever works for you. And sometimes that means chips and guac for breakfast

Vicious-hangover parenting means you just say ‘sure’ to this breakfast (and leave the lights out) pic.twitter.com/8mhqpWLf5s

— @bikepedantic@better.boston (@bikepedantic) March 19, 2022

7. Why would anyone ever knowingly drink alcohol knowing this awaits them the following day?

It seems what can startle me out of my wretched hungover torpor is a toddler charging towards my face with the toilet brush. Great times.

— mark perkins (@thatmarkperkins) December 11, 2021

8. Behold: parenting with a hangover 2.0

Today I have experienced a new kind of hell. Parenting with a hangover and I’ve been kicked in the nuts. I just want my bed. pic.twitter.com/osFCwFchEY

— Stuart 🏳️🌈 (@stuart11) September 27, 2020

9. PSA: don’t drink the night before any live action children’s show. It’s not worth it

Parenting tip. Don’t have a big, hangover-inducing night out before a 10am live Peppa Pig show 🐷🍷

— James Smith 🏴🇮🇹🇿🇦 (@SobukweScozia) April 23, 2022

10. Hideous is an understatement

Soooo… turns out that parenting whilst hungover is pretty hideous pic.twitter.com/XJoewtII4C

— Jessica Roper (@jkroper) August 7, 2021

11. Sometimes you’ve got to celebrate those small wins...

The best part of hungover parenting, is that my fart shield keeps the kids at a safe distance.

— Mom Jeans (@momjeansplease) February 23, 2019

12. We repeat: greasy snacks are essential

Parenting while hungover is almost bearable when you can ubereats maccas pic.twitter.com/66nfX1K6XY

— shan (@shanbennet) September 1, 2019

13. If you’re not bribing your kids, you’re doing it wrong

Today has been a masterclass in hungover parenting. I am in the kitchen, surrounded by chaos, watching Columbo. The children are being bribed with crisps and movies. It's a skill I am rightly proud of.

— lankylass (@northernkt) March 2, 2019

14. When your hangover renders you into a horizontal, immovable state, you’re going to have to contend with being sat on

having a hangover and a toddler.. pic.twitter.com/zRT5onDp8H

— makenzy smith (@makenzyksmith) August 29, 2019

15. All in all, not an experience we want to repeat in a hurry

Hangover parenting 0/10. Do not recommend.

— Emily (@iamemilymayo) April 1, 2021

For those now wondering how on earth they can cope with today’s hangover, check out these tips from parents on how they’ve survived one with kids in tow (the racetrack idea is pretty genius) and if all else fails, take a leaf out of Jenny Hicken’s book...

About 12 hours of screen time and regret.

— Jenny Hicken 💙 (@GreatNorthMum) December 21, 2022