Gary Lineker Leads Backlash Against Daily Mail And Daily Express Article 50 Front Pages

'Quite possibly the biggest overreaction in newspaper history.'

A number of Friday’s front pages have been lambasted for their hyperbolic headlines on the successful legal challenge to the triggering of Article 50.

The High Court ruled yesterday that Theresa May cannot trigger Brexit without first consulting Parliament - a decision which left many Leave supporters furious.

In reaction, Today’s Daily Express front page said: “WE MUST GET OUT OF THE EU”:

The Daily Express' front page
The Daily Express' front page

It went on to claim that the UK “faces a crisis as grave as anything since the dark days when Churchill vowed we would fight them on the beaches” and called on its readers to “fight, fight, fight” for their “freedom”.

It also likened the EU’s treatment of the UK to being raped and forcibly sterilised.

It asked: “Where were the self-styled champions of British sovereignty when the Mother of Parliaments was being forcibly sterilised by the European Communities Act and then politically raped by the treaties of Maastricht, Dublin and Lisbon?”

The paper added: “Truly, November 3, 2016, was the day democracy died.”

Gary Linker led the charge against the paper, calling its declaration “quite possibly the biggest overreaction in newspaper history”.

The opening paragraph is quite possibly the biggest overreaction in newspaper history.

— Gary Lineker (@GaryLineker) November 3, 2016

He also hit back at those who suggested his opinion wasn’t welcome:

Oh ok, I'll get back in my 6 yard box. Trust though you'll continue to have a view not being a footballer?

— Gary Lineker (@GaryLineker) November 4, 2016

Many others voiced similar opinions to Lineker...

@GaryLineker totally barmy. What is going on with this country? It's like we're having a total breakdown

— (((HughOs))) (@hros81) November 3, 2016

@GaryLineker The paragraph to the right of 'Comment' is truly staggering. Apparently democracy has died.

— Matt Allen (@mallen_87) November 3, 2016

.@GaryLineker If there is violence, Richard Desmond will have blood on his hands.

— George Turner (@georgenturner) November 3, 2016

@GaryLineker @Dolores23062016 This rhetoric from the Express is tantamount to inciting violence.

— Francisco Putan (@JCP_UK) November 4, 2016

@GaryLineker if that's their requirement for the country needing you, count me out. Not the country I know.

— Rosemary Scott (@rosie687) November 3, 2016

The Daily Mail also got stuck in with their own dramatic front page, which featured a line-up of the High Court judges involved in yesterday’s ruling.

It branded them “ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE”.

The Daily Mail's front page
The Daily Mail's front page

Inside it also profiled the trio behind the Article 50 legal challenge as “The Ex Model” (Gina Miller), “The Brazilian Hairdresser” (Deir Dos Santos) and “The Plumbing Boss” (Charlie Mullins).

It described Miller as “sultry” and “cougarish”, drawing attention to her relationship history and clothing, and claiming she “prowls the killer heels and tight-fitting frocks”.

Many labelled the Mail’s front page as “dangerous”...

Irresponsible, contemptible and dangerous "journalism"

— David Anderson (@terrorwatchdog) November 3, 2016

"Enemies of the People" headline in the Mail has me livid this morning!

It's irresponsible and dangerous and close to inciting civil unrest

— David Armstrong (@tiggtag) November 4, 2016

Declaring judges as 'enemies of the people' for upholding parliamentary sovereignty. This is really dangerous stuff.

— Tim Walgers (@Timoku78) November 3, 2016

Forget the politics of it, this is beyond irresponsible.

— Rory Smith (@RorySmith) November 3, 2016

Cannot believe that 'Enemies of the People' headline. Vicious and dangerous. Stalin-y, Lenin-y awfulness!

— Sophie Hannah (@sophiehannahCB1) November 3, 2016

Some drew comparisons between the headline and other times in history when people have been labelled “enemies”...

"Enemies of the People"? It's "vragi naroda" in the original Russian: and that was in the age of Stalin. Who are we now?

— Christian DeFeo (@doctorcdf) November 4, 2016

Enemies of the People?
Dangerous language reminiscent of Hitler's Nazi Germany & Stalin's Soviet Union
Appalling & vile even from a tabloid!

— J.N. PAQUET ✍🏼 (@jnpaquet) November 4, 2016

Enemies of the People The Mail et al drumming up a Sturmer.

— Callum Edwards (@HywelE65) November 4, 2016

'Enemies of the People'? The term used in Nazi Germany to brand Jews, homosexual people & opponents such as Social Democrats etc.? Not good!

— Markus Wagner (@Markus__Wagner) November 4, 2016

Kadyrov called #Russia's non-systemic opposition "enemies of the people". Stalin used same expression deporting Chechens to CA in 1944.

— Fabian Burkhardt (@fa_burkhardt) January 15, 2016

'Enemies of the People' The Daily Mail sounds like a Soviet era Pravda newspaper. Show trials next? Very worrying.

— Graham Simpson (@grahambsi) November 4, 2016

Some had their own suggestions for who they believed the real “enemies of the people” were...

This front page is right that the people hav enemies but the enemies arent these judges rather they're (1)Daily Mail (2)The Sun & (3)Express

— Jewish Voice (@J_VoiceUK) November 3, 2016

The real enemies of the people #dontbuythesun #DontBuyTheDailyMail #dontbuytheexpress

— LifelongLandlady (@Lifelandlady) November 4, 2016

The Daily Telegraph’s “The judges versus the people” and Sun’s “Who do EU think you are?” front pages also attracted criticism...

Not often I'm shocked by newspapers. Today's Mail, Express, Sun and Telegraph front pages are truly shocking.

— Wes Streeting MP (@wesstreeting) November 4, 2016

Easily lost amid frothing madness of Express and cold, sinister creep-towards-fascism of Mail, but this is a new low for Telegraph I think

— Jack Seale (@jackseale) November 3, 2016

The day the Telegraph gave up on serious journalism

— Nick Cohen (@NickCohen4) November 3, 2016

The front pages of the Mail, Express and The Sun are an absolute embarrassment #comics

— Paul Forsyth (@paulforsyth84) November 4, 2016

The backlash to yesterday’s High Court ruling from pro-Brexiters was exceptionally strong, with one of the campaigners who brought the legal challenge even receiving a string of death threats.

Gina Miller, 51, led the action against the government’s plan to commence Article 50 negotiations to leave the EU without parliament’s consent.

But Miller has received online threats, including people saying she should be “shot” and “hung”.

This, as well as the Mail’s front page, prompted some to express their concern, particularly given the recent killing of Labour MP Jo Cox...

on a serious note: seeing several newspapers singling out judges when an MP was killed in the street not long ago is dystopian as hell

— Marie Le Conte (@youngvulgarian) November 3, 2016

Reminder: Jo Cox was murdered by a man who gave his name in court as "death to traitors, freedom for Britain".

— Musa Okwonga (@Okwonga) November 4, 2016

One even referenced the words the man accused of killing Cox used when asked to give his name in court:

"Death to traitors, freedom for Britain"

— Rupert Myers (@RupertMyers) November 4, 2016

Cox’s husband, Brendan, said that the issue should be debated “soberly”.

Whatever our views on the court ruling I hope we can take a step back & debate it soberly. Inciting hatred has consequences.

— Brendan Cox (@MrBrendanCox) November 4, 2016

In a blog on HuffPost UK, Angela Eagle dismissed the furious reaction from some sections of the media, as well as Ukip’s Suzanne Evans, as “misleading and dangerous rubbish”.

She added: “This decision in fact bolsters Parliamentary sovereignty against the Executive and is right both constitutionally and morally. And since when in the UK is it appropriate to call for the resignation of judges who are doing their constitutionally appointed duty by calling their motives into question because you don’t like their conclusion?”

Speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, former deputy prime minister Nick Clegg said:The rank hypocrisy of these Brexiteers who said we had to take back control by quitting the European Union, particularly take back Parliamentary control, now seem outraged at the exercise of greater Parliamentary control in the decisions that need to be taken.”

Politicians who spent months promising Brits they could “take back control” of their laws and sovereignty argued fiercely that elected Westminster officials should be denied the chance to debate the biggest political shake-up in modern politics.


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