Gay Teen Asks Friend's Mum Permission To Attend Girl-Only Sleepover, Her Response Is Perfect

😂 😂 😂

When Mason Brian Barclay’s friend Houston Shelton was hosting a sleepover recently he really wanted to attend. But unfortunately, her mum had made a same-sex rule.

So the teenager, from Indiana, decided to take matters into his own hands and send a text directly to Houston’s mum, asking permission to attend.

“This is Mason Brian Barclay, I am one of Houston’s new best friends,” he said.

“If she had people over on Friday, would I, a very homosexual male, be able to take part in the sleepover?”

He continued: “I think the common meaning behind only allowing the same sex to share sleepovers is due to the typical interest in the opposite sex, when in this case, I do not like the opposite sex.

“Thank you for your time and consideration, have a great night. Amen.”

Mason Brian Barclay

In response, Houston’s mum sent Mason, 19, a hilarious one-liner, saying: “Hmm. Well, my husband is hot. Should I worry?”

The mum’s brilliant response has received more than 1,700 likes.

Speaking to HuffPost UK, Mason confirmed he did indeed attend the sleepover.

“We had a great time, we ordered pizza and watched my favourite show ‘The Simple Life’ - I’m a huge Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie fan,” he said.

“Meeting her mum for the first time since the post blew up was really cool and funny.”
