GB News Hilariously Trolled Live On Air After Falling For The Oldest Trick In The Book

The presenters failed to pick up on the prank. Twitter did not.

GB News has only been on the air for three days but it’s certainly been a memorable launch – just probably not for the right reasons.

Dodgy lighting and sound plagued the channel’s debut on Sunday, and on Wednesday, several big brands, including Ikea, started pulling their ads.

But now the channel has been well and truly played by some mischievous viewers who managed to trick two of its presenters with some pranks that are so old-school that even Bart Simpson can say “been there, done that”.

The “anti-woke” news channel regularly features calls from viewers, and while there will definitely be some genuine people called Mike Hunt and Mike Oxlong out there (Clue: say the names out loud), the chances of them both calling in within the space of a few hours of each other raised many an eyebrow.

Except the eyebrows belonging to presenters Michelle Dewberry and Simon McCoy.

Former Apprentice winner Michelle was presenting a segment titled “What Matters To You?” on Tuesday when a man supposedly named Mike Hunt contacted the studio.

It’s a technological car crash. Either there’s a real Mike Hunt out there, or someone was having a laugh… editorial discretion should be advised… #GBNews

— Ian Pinnell (@ianpinnell) June 15, 2021

And just a few hours later, during a discussion about children’s diets on Simon and Alexandra Phillip’s show, Alex read out a note from viewer Mike Oxlong.

All going splendidly at Andrew Neil’s joke far-right TV station. Following on from Michelle Dewberry falling for the classic “Mike Hunt” prank call, here’s former Brexit Party MEP Alexandra Phillips live on air, reading out a message from one Mike Oxlong.

— Nicholas Pegg (@NicholasPegg) June 16, 2021

Although none of the presenters cottoned on, the names did not go unnoticed by a very amused Twitter – so much so that “Mike Hunt” began trending...

When I was a trainee producer at Sky News, almost the first thing I was taught was never to put anyone called Mike Hunt on air …

— Ruaridh Arrow (@ArrowontheHill) June 15, 2021

Both Mike Hunt and Mike Oxlong have been namechecked on GBNews. Hugh Janus and Amanda Hugankiss waiting in the wings

— Simon G (@chromered) June 15, 2021

They got done by a Mike Oxlong. Incredible

— Alan White (@aljwhite) June 15, 2021

#gbnews #DewbsandCo can't believe they fell for Mike Hunt gag from Porkys ffs 😂

— carwindowsmashed (@skywhistleblow1) June 15, 2021

GBNews falling for the old Mike Hunt gag so early in the game

— Prork (@Prork) June 15, 2021

Mike Hunt!! That’s older than me, and I’m the wrong side of 50 ffs!! #GBeebies

— MrsGlyndŵr 🏴🏴 (@MrsGlyndwr_) June 15, 2021

Mike Hunt and Mike Oxlong. They have presenters who fall for two of the oldest, most obvious elephant traps in broadcasting. Jesus H Corbett.

— Louis Barfe (@AlanKelloggs) June 15, 2021

"Hey, i'm looking for Mike Hunt?"

— Andrew (@_A_n_d_r_e_w_s) June 15, 2021

I’m afraid I’m imagining the person texting in as “Mike Hunt” cackling to themselves. V much broadcasting 101 to spot that

— Hannah Jane Parkinson (@ladyhaja) June 15, 2021

Finally after years of being cruelly barred from TV comment shows by overzealous editors Mike Hunt gets his moment in the sun...

— Jim Salveson (@Mr_Jimbob) June 15, 2021

I hate myself for finding GB News compelling viewing. It’s excruciating and hypnotising in equal measure. They have already read out viewer emails from Mike Hunt and Mike Oxlong, so it can only be a matter of time before Norma Snipples and Gloria Stitz have their say.

— Jane Fowler (@janefowler) June 15, 2021

Not only have GB News fallen for the old Mike Hunt gag, Mike Oxlong has also had a mention.
Wonderful, wonderful start to the day😂👍#GBNews

— Bradders (@LondonPeaky) June 16, 2021

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