'Gen X Lady' Dishes Out Top Notch Advice To Millennials, Becomes Everyone's New Hero

'The only thing you will ever regret not owning is your happiness.'

Millennials are plagued by numerous negative stereotypes (lazy and entitled are just a few that spring to mind), but Tangela Ekhoff is sick of it.

Ekhoff, who describes herself as a ‘black female Gen X lady’, has dished out the best advice to millennials - and it’s gone down an absolute storm on Twitter.

The writer, speaker and sit-down comic shared some wise words in a thread posted on 17 May. She told millennials to enjoy their lives, explore the world and avoid getting hung up on huge responsibilities like buying a house.

“Eat the avocado toast,” she wrote. “Travel to new places. Go back to school.

“Never, ever listen to people who envy your youth and freedom.”

Dear Millineals,
I'm a Black female Gen X lady. Old enough to be your damn Mama. I have a little advice...

— Tangela Ekhoff (@tangelaekhoff) May 17, 2017

Eat the avacado toast. Travel to new places. Go back to school. Never, ever listen to people who envy your youth and freedom.

— Tangela Ekhoff (@tangelaekhoff) May 17, 2017

It's a big world out there waitong for you to explore it. Home ownership is great, but it ain't all that.

— Tangela Ekhoff (@tangelaekhoff) May 17, 2017

As my years advance, and mortality stares me in the face, I can say that EXPERIENCES, FRIENDSHIP, FAMILY...

— Tangela Ekhoff (@tangelaekhoff) May 17, 2017

Either biologically, or through your own choice is all that matters. Go. Do. Be. Your life should be about the verbs.

— Tangela Ekhoff (@tangelaekhoff) May 17, 2017

Most of the folk who make money writing about you don't understand you. They envy you. The menfolk especially.

— Tangela Ekhoff (@tangelaekhoff) May 17, 2017

Go live your lives. Make choices that work for you...The only thing you will ever regret not owning is your happiness. FIN

— Tangela Ekhoff (@tangelaekhoff) May 17, 2017

Ekhoff’s thread was retweeted more than 20,000 times, with many thanking her for typing the words they needed to hear.

@tangelaekhoff Millennial here, who sometimes feels guilty about pursuing experiences and not building a traditional life. Thank you for your message.

— Stacy-Ann Hayles (@stacyannhayles) May 17, 2017

@tangelaekhoff These tweets are so wholesome I just wanna give you a hug pic.twitter.com/jdRKkwCyc3

— Aggressive Asian (@JennLi123) May 17, 2017

@tangelaekhoff I needed this! Getting pressured from some older generation folks for my husband and I to buy a house. We looked but we just not ready! pic.twitter.com/YlBJMuFrRo

— Anck Su Namun (@GangsterWaffles) May 17, 2017

@tangelaekhoff I appreciate you so much for this

— spice (@ashleyvanessa93) May 17, 2017

Here’s to owning your happiness in 2017.
