Channel 4's 'Genderquake: The Debate' Slammed As Munroe Bergdorf Is Heckled With Transphobic Abuse

Despite Munroe's protestations, the heckler was allowed to stay in the studio.

Channel 4 is facing criticism after a live debate, which was part of its ‘Genderquake’ series, saw panellists Munroe Bergdorf and Caitlyn Jenner heckled with transphobic abuse.

On Wednesday (8 May), the channel aired ‘Genderquake: The Debate’, in which Munroe and Caitlyn appeared alongside and a number of other experts in a discussion about issues relating to gender, including feminist critic Germaine Greer and journalist Ash Sarkar.

However, viewers quickly grew uncomfortable when members of the audience began shouting transphobic comments during the debate, and when Munroe called for them to be removed by security, her request was ignored.

Munroe appears on 'Genderquake'
Munroe appears on 'Genderquake'
Channel 4

Viewers on social media shared their disdain for the direction the show took, blasting Channel 4 for their handling of the debate and branding the project a “wasted opportunity”, with a variety of subjects not being tackled.

#Genderquake debate was shit. Poorly chaired with no control, inappropriate panellists, idiot audience whooping and screaming like it’s Jeremy-fucking-Kyle Show, rambling, ad breaks every five minutes, poor representation - no debate at all. What a wasted opportunity

— Matthew Wood (@matthewhwood) May 8, 2018

Channel 4 definitely handled this 'debate' poorly, allowing a woman to heckle blatant transphobic abuse whilst laughing is frankly disgusting. #Genderquake

— lauren (@laurelliott_) May 8, 2018

Pretty shocked and dismayed to see transphobic heckling from the audience not being dealt with on the #Genderquake debate. A very vocal few showed such disrespect for the panelists and it derailed the discussion, seemingly making some feel less able to share. 😓

— Editor Anna (@RNLIanna) May 8, 2018

There was only one non binary person on the panel and the only question Jen was asked was what bathroom they used... fucking hell this “debate” was a mess and disgustingly managed. you let the audience heckle the panellists and being disrespectful it’s disgraceful #genderquake

— jae | check 📌 (@queeryoongii) May 8, 2018

I finally watched #genderquake and felt very uncomfortable on how being trans was dealt with by @Channel4 only saw a little of the debate and had enough don't think it helped at all 😕

— Karen Gale (@karengale7) May 9, 2018

Channel 4 need to be held to account here too, they knew this would happen and even if a debate was needed (which it wasn't) then those were not the conditions to hold it in.

— Baleen Beauty 🐳 (@HollyBaleen) May 8, 2018

Tonight's debate perfectly encapsulates what it's like to be publicly and visibly trans, as people feel perfectly entitled to shout abuse at you just because you're trans, and nobody ever pulls them up on it. #Genderquake

— Baleen Beauty 🐳 (@HollyBaleen) May 8, 2018

Thought the abuse that @MunroeBergdorf experienced on #genderquake was appalling. She handled it like an absolute star. I hope this will be the last time trans people have to justify their existence in a debate and that it was clear to viewers, the bigotry of those opposed.

— Benny 🦁Hunter (@BennnyH) May 9, 2018

good morning to nobody but munroe bergdorf (and shame on channel 4 for allowing heckling transphobic audience members to spew their views)

— mark (@howvery_) May 9, 2018

Genderquake discussion. Channel 4 supports bigotry and transphobia. No matter how much people protested, a person was allowed to continue to abuse Munroe Bergdorf. I will not be watching anymore of the series.

— Ramses (@RamsinNewYork) May 9, 2018

Absolutely disgusted with the way @Channel4 handled #Genderquake. If that white cis woman had been the one experiencing hate from @MunroeBergdorf then you would have kicked HER out. You allowed for an unsafe environment for these brave people respectfully speaking their truth

— Maddy (@makesmesomaddy) May 8, 2018

1/2 Watched @Channel4 #Genderquake debate tonight, to learn more about different genders & I was appalled at the way the panellists were treated. I’m all for free speech, discussion & debate but shouting hateful comments like “man?!” to @MunroeBergdorf is not right & #transphobic

— Cynthia Duku-asamoah (@cynth9) May 8, 2018

2/2 Being a good person to others and yourself should be what’s important! #Genderquake #Equalityforall

— Cynthia Duku-asamoah (@cynth9) May 8, 2018

Solidarity with my friend and sister Munroe and I'm glad Ash was there too but in 30 years we will have built a world where cis people look back on the footage from tonight and cringe at how their predecessors treated us.

— shon faye. (@shonfaye) May 8, 2018

Apologise to Munroe Bergdorf and the trans community for exposing her to that vile abuse on live television

— shon faye. (@shonfaye) May 8, 2018

All I learned from #Genderquake is that the world would be much more bearable if we were all a little more like @AyoCaesar and @MunroeBergdorf

I also think it’s disgraceful that @Channel4 didn’t remove the abusive and transphobic audience members

— matt horwood (@matthewhorwood) May 8, 2018

#Genderquake This show has been far from civilised discussion. This debate should not of even happened. Disgusting behaviour and language from anti trans activists in the audience. #genderisnotadebate shame on you channel 4

— Kate Hutchinson (@katieloukhaos) May 8, 2018

Thank the fucking Lord for eloquent, strong-willed advocates like @MunroeBergdorf and @AyoCaesar. God knows in Munroe’s position I’d have walked out at some of those comments both from panelists and the audience. #Genderquake

— Dylan (@dylanhm) May 8, 2018

Following the debate, Munroe herself spoke out on social media, simply branding the experience “stressful”.

Well that was stressful...

— Munroe Bergdorf 🌹🌹 (@MunroeBergdorf) May 8, 2018

HuffPost UK has reached out to Channel 4 for comment, and is awaiting a response.

The 'Genderquake' studio, in which Munroe, Germaine and Caitlyn debated gender with Cathy Newman
The 'Genderquake' studio, in which Munroe, Germaine and Caitlyn debated gender with Cathy Newman
Channel 4

‘Genderquake: The Debate’ was chaired by Channel 4 News presenter Cathy Newman, and followed the two-part reality show, ‘Genderquake’, in which 11 young people who identified in different ways both in terms of gender and sexuality moved into a house together.

The show received a mixed response, with some praising the way it presented gender-related issues, while others slammed the way one of the young men featured was outed as transgender on the show.


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