George Galloway 'Attacked With Glitter' During Aberdeen University Event

AKA 'glitter'.

George Galloway has been subjected to assault with glitter whilst giving a talk at Aberdeen University.

The former MP and failed London mayoral candidate tweeted after the event to say he was let feeling unwell by a “unknown substance” but continued regardless.

A video of the incident shows Galloway stood at the front of the room when a group of protestors holding placards enter and throw glitter.

A small scuffle then ensues as they are ushered out.

Someone calling themselves "Trans" and an "anarchist" led a five person attack on me on the platform at Aberdeen University. I continued.

— George Galloway (@georgegalloway) November 22, 2016

I know have an unknown substance in my eyes and lungs and feel a little unwell. But the struggle continues:-)

— George Galloway (@georgegalloway) November 22, 2016

Police were called to the event in the university’s New King’s building.

A Police Scotland spokesman said: “Inquiries are at an early stage and no further details are available at this time.”

Few weeks go by when the "identity politics" crowd don't strike one campus or another either physically or with their "no platform" demands.

— George Galloway (@georgegalloway) November 22, 2016

The "Left": to paraphrase Wellington reviewing his own troops, "I don't know what they do to the enemy but they don't half frighten me".

— George Galloway (@georgegalloway) November 23, 2016

Some of those who were at the event tweeted their support for Galloway and apologised for the behaviour of the protestors.

@georgegalloway I was in the audience when this happened. I'm sorry this has happened at my University.

— Derek Gardiner (@DWGardiner) November 22, 2016

@georgegalloway you're explanation of your views on Brexit was extremely insightful and I've taken a lot from your lecture. Thank you🇬🇧

— Ruh (@ruhstfu) November 22, 2016

Galloway later tweeted to say he had overcome his ordeal.

Feeling better thanks to all; just needed a good shower. Thought not as much as the "Student Left" who attacked me & tried vainly to stop me

— George Galloway (@georgegalloway) November 23, 2016

@georgegalloway disagreed with some of your points tonight, but my god those 'protestors' were a disgrace, and self defeating.

— David McBey (@DaveMcBey) November 22, 2016

Student, Ryan Houghton, who was at the event told The Press and Journal: “Basically we had six individuals who were sat at the front row after having security checks done.

“But as George started speaking they stood up and lobbed three jars of glitter over him.

“He was covered, and students intervened.

“He just continue as normal, dusted off the glitter and kept going.

“He’s taking questions and stuff. He got a round of applause when someone apologised on behalf of the students.”

If you try to bring down Corbyn you'll have to get around me first. Me and millions like me. Real Labour.

— George Galloway (@georgegalloway) September 6, 2016

Despite the threat, some questioned why Galloway was positioning himself as the defender of “Real Labour” some 13 years after his expulsion from the party.

@rich_mortimer never

— George Galloway (@georgegalloway) September 7, 2016

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