George Osborne Becomes An Air Hostess To Make Case For Pro-EU Campaign

The emergency Brexits are here, here, here and here

George Osborne pretended to be an air hostess on Monday after climbing aboard a specially painted pro-EU 'Remain' Ryanair jet.

"All aboard for Britain remaining in the European Union," the chancellor announced over the tannoy. "All abroad for a stronger, safer and better off Britain in the EU."

The chancellor was joined by former Labour shadow chancellor and former Lib Dem business secretary Vince Cable at Stansted airport today to present a cross-party case for a staying in the EU.

Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire

Ryanair had painted one of its planes with a"Stronger, safer and better off in Europe" pro-EU slogan to mark the event.

Osborne used his speech to mock pro-Brexit campaigners, including Boris Johnson and Iain Duncan Smith, for thinking the 'Remain' campaign was running "a massive conspiracy".

.@Ryanair announcing almost £1bn UK investment & 450 new jobs –Michael O'Leary says investment at risk if we exit EU

— George Osborne (@George_Osborne) May 16, 2016

Osborne said some of his Conservative colleagues thought there was a "global stitch-up to give misinformation to the British people".

“The next thing we know the Leave camp will be accusing us of faking the moon landing, kidnapping Shergar and covering up the existence of the Loch Ness monster," he said.

Osborne’s speech at Ryanair’s HQ in Stansted, Essex, follows criticism by Brexit campaigners of leading figures such as Bank of England governor Mark Carney and International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde, who have warning of recession if the UK voted to leave on June 23.


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