Gone Online Shopping While Drunk And Lived To Regret It? You're Not Alone

Because we all need 72 toilet rolls and a juicer.

Drinking booze and online shopping do not mix. But despite that, most of us are doing it – including myself. Well, those patterned cat beds from TK Maxx aren’t going to buy themselves.

The Hustle, a tech and business newsletter, recently asked over 2,000 Americans about their online shopping behaviour post booze and the findings were revealing to say the least.

Individuals spent an average of $444 (roughly £335) a year on items while drunk and, of those surveyed, 79% of people had made at least one drunk purchase before, with clothing and shoes being the most commonly bought items.

Amazon was the drunk shopping platform of choice – perhaps because beer goggles make it easier to use, because signing up to Prime seems even more exciting, or possibly because they just get sucked into the deals section?

AdrianHancu via Getty Images

The survey found women were ever so slightly more inclined to drunk shop than men (78% of male respondents did it, compared to 80% of women). And, perhaps unsurprisingly, the higher the income, the more likely you were to do it.

It turns out, people have bought some very useful things when drunk which, rather wonderfully, they didn’t live to regret.

airpods are the best drunk purchase i’ve ever made lol

— jxhnjxhn (@jxhnjxhn) March 25, 2019

But most of us aren’t winning when it comes to boozy buys. Case in point, the woman who bought 72 rolls of bog roll.

Guess who’s a fucking winner when it comes to drunk online shopping? ME!!!!!!!! pic.twitter.com/gjSehzahd7

— fuckin’ hooray 🖤 (@betsysaidwhat) March 25, 2019

And these guys...

My all time favorite drunk purchase was a tattoo kit. Waking up to that notification was wtf moment.

— Jordan villegas (@M4YHEMJAY) March 25, 2019

Father in law bought a Segway travel case one time while drunk online shopping thinking it was the actual Segway. When it came in he just went ahead and bought the actual Segway too 🤣😂

— Derek Hicks (@deehicks04) March 26, 2019

So apparently when I’m drunk, I buy guitars. This is the result of around ten pints of lager in The Rainbow. Not the worst purchase ever made. Isn’t she stunning?? 😍 #gretsch #glitterhttps://t.co/mxgS6YpZJW

— Holly Blades (@lifeofholly) March 25, 2019

My juicer just got delivered and I’m just like??? But at least drunk me cares about sober me and shit hahah idiot

— chelsey (@ChelseyFauIkner) March 19, 2019

So I had my first drunk online shopping purchase! I genuinely do not remember ordering this, but I don't doubt that I did. pic.twitter.com/bYjJWKx3Hk

— Joel DeJong (@snailstampede) March 18, 2019

My friend did some online shopping while drunk... A package arrived... She couldn't remember what she'd ordered... pic.twitter.com/NSsf0WzllE

— Helen (@TalkingDogGenre) August 18, 2016

pls keep a leash on me if im drunk online shopping I ordered some wigs and didn’t remember pic.twitter.com/60GDmtXDX4

— Carolyn (@CarolynMauween) March 24, 2019