Being a parent means being an admin genius at the best of times, and never more so than in the summer holidays. You have to somehow keep everyone fed, clothed, safe, healthy and un-burnt – ideally without rendering yourself bankrupt or feeling like you’re failing at parenting in the process.
So how do you get to the end of the holidays all in one piece? We turned to the big wide internet and HuffPost readers to get the hacks to make it easier.
#1 The One That’ll Help You Make Decisions
“I’m bored,” you’ll hear, countless times over the summer holiday. “What are we doing today?” they’ll say. Without the structure that school brings, too much choice can feel slightly paralysing – so much so, that it’s surprisingly easy to end up doing nothing.
Enter: decision-making games. Make it part of the fun. Writing a load of different activities on lolly sticks, for instance, asking your kids to pick one brings a nice element of randomness to plan-making.
Or, if you have outdoor space, make a big hopscotch-esque decision-making game where someone shouts “stop” to make the decision. You could also go lower scale, forego the board and just use dice – two rolled together offer a whopping 36 options.
And the ideas to go with the decision-making games? Just pick a few from here.
#2 The One When It’s Too Hot
Summer is your freezer’s time to shine. It spends nine months of the year stopping food from going off, but now it gets to do all sorts of exciting things. Homemade ice lollies are a money-saving exercise, and a cheaper and healthier alternative to shop-bought ones. Use unexpected ingredients, go mouldless, adding cupcake cases (or lemon slices) to avoid drippage or – because Mum and Dad deserve a treat too – using them in cocktails.
Other ideas? Water balloons in a cooler mean whatever you’re cooling stays cool and dry, while aloe vera frozen in an ice-cube tray is incredibly soothing on sunburn.
[Read More: The Best UK Cities To Visit With Your Kids This Summer, Ranked For Fun, Food (And The Weather)]
#3 The One When You Need A Break
Millions of parents are in the same boat, so swapping favours or working out childcare rotas with other families should make life easier for everyone. Putting up with the kids next door sleeping over for a few days might be a struggle, but it’ll be worth it later when their parents take your kids camping and you enjoy a bit of peace. Grandparents, cousins, old friends… take advantage of everyone being in a better mood in the summer with increasingly long playdates.
Or, you could just spend £7.50 and send your kids to one of Sainsbury’s ‘Active Kids’ childcare days. A bargain.
#4 The One When You Need To Get Outside
Lazy days spent in front of the TV can’t always be avoided – but if we’re gifted a sunny day, make the most of it without spending cash.
Get cracking on some homemade games: from racing soap boats to going mad with bubbles, making your own pavement chalk to just farting about in the paddling pool with homemade pool toys. Throw a fitted sheet over it between uses, btw.
#5 The One When The Kids Say: ‘I’m Bored’
You just can’t spend all day, every day occupying your kids. We get it. Create a boredom jar, recommends family blog Frugal Family. Spend one afternoon sitting down to make it – you’ll need a container, scraps of paper, and pens. Work together to come up with ideas your kids could do on their own – write a story, read a book, start a club with friends, make thank-you cards.
Fold them up and put the ideas in a jar, ready for when those two ones inevitably come. Here’s some ideas for the jar.
#6 The One When You Go To The Beach
If you’re lucky with the weather and spend a day at the beach, don’t forget talcum powder – it’s an easy way to get sand off kids’ damp legs. You’re welcome.